Friday, November 7, 2008

Monthly Overview: November 2008

ARIES (March 21 - April 19) Beginning on the 1st, it's time for you to try something new. Whether it's a Mohawk or a buzz cut, a perm, a new hair color, a rinse, a wig or something that has nothing whatsoever to do with your hair, you're ready. Out with the old and boring, in with the untried and exciting! Even if you end up not being all that crazy about the new hot pink checkerboard spike 'do you've done, you'll be glad you tried. Heck, it'll grow out! On the 6th, you've got your reputation to worry about. So worry about it -- but not too much! An obstacle frustrates you on the 11th, but only if you let it. Approach it as a welcome challenge, though, and watch it melt away before your very eyes! On the 16th, shop at a flea market or on eBay. There are great finds out there for you! On the 21st, romance is in the air, and some extra cash is burning a hole in your pocket. Treat them to a hot toddy or the like. On the 26th, give into your least-selfish instincts. You'll be glad!

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) You are ready to make some ski-weekend plans on the 1st. Or some snorkeling reservations. Or schedule some sun and surf time. Go for it -- even if it's just in your imagination! You're ready for a break, and if you can take one in real life, head for the tropics. If that's a little out of reach right now, pick up a beachside novel and head down to your local sauna. Get hot and steamy, wrap up in your towel, pull out your not-quite-literature, lie down and relax! On the 5th, if somebody is impinging on your personal space, tell them to back off in no uncertain terms. Just because you want something on the 10th does not mean you should rush out and buy it. Exercise restraint! On the 15th and 16th, you need to let it out. Old feelings you've been bottling up inside need to be expressed, right now. On the 21st, pull on your most romantic wool sweater -- there's romance out there for you! Let your passionate side show on the 24th. Heck, let it show off a little! On the 29th, get grounded.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 21) On the 1st, you are ready to make a big move -- as part of a duo. Whether teaming up with a romantic partner, business partner or a former rival from the competition, you're ready to tackle some unknown territory, thanks to your two-heads-are-better-than-one strategy. Something is confusing you on the 3rd. Well, silly, that's because it's confusing! Give yourself plenty of time to review all the elements. Call in an expert to tutor you, if necessary. You've got to get a handle on this -- and with enough effort, you will! On the 7th and 8th, your creativity is the strongest card in your hand. Play it! Spend the evening at home on the 11th. No need to overstrain yourself! On the 14th, things are going great. Did you win a prize? Find your dream partner? Score a great table at your favorite restaurant? What? All of the above? Terrific! The 20th is a detail day. That means you have to tend to the little things, even if they annoy you. Take the 24th slow and take the 29th and 30th even slower. You need to really, really understand this before you move forward.

CANCER (June 22 - July 22) You start off the month on the 1st with an excellent self-nurturing impulse. Whether you take yourself to the spa, go out for an early morning jog, let yourself say 'no' to that social event you really didn't want to go to or force yourself to say 'yes' to that intimidating but likely-useful social event you've been dreading, you do something good for someone who matters a whole lot: You! On the 5th and 6th, try your best to be flexible, even if that means bending over backwards for a friend who's going through a rough patch. Play it cool on the 9th when tempers flare in the afternoon. On the 14th, don't let a well-meaning but clueless coworker misinterpret you. Avoid confusion by being painfully clear. Make a plan on the 20th. Any plan. All your pains are propitious right now! On the 23rd, watch out for some snakes in the grass -- you don't want to step on one by accident! Spend the day pampering yourself on the 27th. Good food, a good night's sleep, a great workout: You deserve it! The 30th is all about balance.

LEO (July 23 - August 22) Who's that cutie who keeps winking at you on the 1st? And no, they're not trying to adjust their contact lenses. They're winking, for real! And right at you-know-who (you!). And they are oh-so-cute! Whether it turns out to be your long-term sweetie pie who's seeing you with new eyes (if you're taken), or that hottie-of-your-dreams (if you're single), there is a lot of electricity in the air around you, as the month gets going. By the 3rd, your ego needs a little 'whoa, there' treatment. Rein it in! If you're feeling irritable on the 8th, turn to creative work. It's the best way to channel your excess energies! Don't indulge on the 12th. Whether it's food or a whim, you need to be disciplined right now. On the 14th, you impress somebody who isn't easily impressed (could it be -- yourself?). On 20th and 21st, check your budget. You know which direction you want to head in, so adjust accordingly. On the 26th, you need to think about somebody else's feelings -- then, on the 30th, take the next step and help this person out.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22) Reflect on your family obligations on the 1st. What, you say? These don't feel like obligations? If planning your great-aunt Gertrude's biennial turkey dinner feels more like pleasure than duty, more power to you. After all, you recognize that great-aunt Gertrude is one heck of a lady! And the stories she has to tell! By the 3rd, you'll be back to being solely fascinated with your own life -- has a new romantic energy suddenly manifested? Exciting! On the 9th and 10th, be sure to let a coworker know you're not happy with what's been going on. It's the only way things will get better! On the 15th and 16th, it looks like you're back at the helm when it comes to organizing family affairs. Well, when you're good, you're good. And you're good at this stuff! You're in a good place on the 21st. Take a look around and think about everything you have to be grateful for. Let your intellect lead you on the 25th and then get creative on the 30th. You'll love it!

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22) Don't let anybody rain on your parade on the 1st. If somebody calls you an idealist, ignore their sneer and take it as a compliment. Even if this nasty naysayer doesn't realize it, idealism is a very positive attribute. Particularly for you, right now. Aim high -- you'll set the bar for yourself, and you can accomplish just as much as you think you can. On the 5th and 6th, a kindred spirit shows up with a new hairdo and you finally notice just how cute they really are. You'll feel best in a group situation on the 11th and 12th. Whether it's work-related or social, make sure all your activities involve a crowd right now. On the 14th, you're ready for a few new experiences. So get going -- how are you going to find them if you don't seek them? By the 18th, you've achieved a certain advisor-in-chief status. People are coming to you with all kinds of problems, from 'what career path should I choose?' to 'how do I know if they're the one?' Do your best! On the 23rd, you win. It feels great! Get idealistic again on the 27th and 28th.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21) You know how, sometimes, somebody makes you an offer and it just seems too good to be true? Like, just give $100 to me, then forward this email to 30 of your best friends and, pretty soon, you'll have $3,000? Or they say, sign here and for no money down, you'll have your very own house? Well, on the 1st, if somebody comes your way peddling something that, while appealing, just makes no darn sense, say no. Why? Because it is too good to be true, and going along with their scheme won't be good for you. On the 5th and 6th, problems at home could distract you at work. A conflict on the 10th could turn ugly fast, so stay out of it. On the 15th and 16th, try not to turn into coworker-zilla -- you're not really a controlling, angry monster, after all! Tap into your charming side, instead, to get what you want. On the 21st, a detail could get you down, if you overlook it (so don't). Nothing can get you down on the 26th, when things are going this great. On the 30th, be innovative. You'll be well rewarded for you efforts!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21) As the month starts, you could find your toes tapping. You might notice your hands clapping. Heck, you might break into a hand-clapping tap dance while humming a 'golly, it's good to be alive' tune. Whatever happens, beginning the 1st, you're sure to have a great big smile plastered across your face. Why? Because life is good, and you're enjoying it, that's why. By the 3rd, you'll have switched into penny-pinching mode. That's not bad, at all! A penny saved is, in fact, a penny earned. On the 7th and 8th, you could fall into reminiscing mode pretty easily. Go ahead and reminisce! Maybe you'll remember something that helps you with a situation in the present. You need to be sure you're busy on the 13th and 14th. Otherwise, you'll be bored, and if you're bored, you'll get into trouble. On the 20th, do your best at work, but understand that you may not get a raise right away. Fairness is your top concern on the 23rd. Just be sure you're being fair in your dealings, too. On the 28th, you're walking (or tap dancing) on air, again. Pack a lunch on the 30th.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19) Any ideas you have for the future, on the 1st, could end up coming into being a lot faster than you expected. So start dreaming as the month begins! You have nothing to lose and everything to win. The 2nd and 3rd look to be stellar days, when some of your most exciting beginning-of-the-month ideas already start to bear fruit. Wonderful! You know what they say -- make hay while the sun shines. On the 8th, art and music will awaken your imagination. Go to a museum, a concert, the ballet or an opera. You'll dig it! By the 13th and 14th, your brain is itching for a workout. So get those ideas pumping! On the 19th, spend the day on your toes, particularly when it comes to work. Keep up the good work on the 23rd, but keep in mind it could be a while before you see any financial remuneration reflecting your extra effort. On the 27th, something that seemed impossible is now within your grasp. Plan a little celebration on the 30th. Even if you're the only guest, make sure you raise a toast: To you!

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18) Beginning the 1st, start out the day (and the month) with some deep breathing exercises. Stand up and stretch. Make sure the oxygen gets all the way down into the deepest reaches of your lungs. Take another breath and imagine that clean, fresh air reaching your toes. Great! Don't you feel refreshed and ready to take on all the horizon-expanding new experiences coming your way this month? You bet you do! On the 5th and 6th, you just can't help it: You're brilliant. Get ready to wow the world with your charm, presence of mind, sharp wit and great ideas. Embrace somebody's eccentricities on the 12th. They could point you in an important new direction. If you must involve yourself in a power struggle on the 18th, at least make sure you come out on top! The friendlier you are on the 22nd and 23rd, the more success you'll have. On the 27th and 28th, why not meet up with friends you haven't seen in a while? It would do you all good to catch up! Rest up on the 30th. You've got a new month ahead of you. Woo-hoo! You're ready.

PISCES (February 19 - March 20) On the 1st, you have some pretty strong ideas about how things should go at work. Stick to your guns, but be politic. Wait for the right moment -- and find the right time -- before you express your convictions. There's no need to create unnecessary barriers for yourself by speaking up too abrasively, too soon. You can cultivate public opinion, when you put your mind to it. So go ahead and put your mind to it, now. Be open to change on the 5th. Positive changes are coming into your life. On the 7th and 8th, you'll see some exciting developments in the works. Great! On the 12th, a love letter really perks up your day. Do you maybe love them back? Sit down with yourself on the 18th and have a serious talk about your health. Have a couple of bad old habits been creeping back into your life? Why? How can you put a stop to this? The 23rd is all about finding a balance -- so go to yoga class. On the 28th, keep your cards close to your chest. Somebody does you a big favor on the 30th.

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