Thursday, May 14, 2009

Effects of Second Mercury Retrograde

Messenger Mercury in Gemini has distracted us with clever antics since May 1. Now his retrograde into plodding Taurus assures us that for the next month it's smarter to be secure in what we know than to let curiosity lead us astray. An indulgent hook-up between tempting Venus and extravagant Jupiter encourages us to overstep safe boundaries, but the conservative Capricorn Moon restrains us emotionally until she enters radical Aquarius at 10:01 pm EDT.

What to Expect from the Second Mercury Retrograde of the Year

Mercury Retrograde: Take II
A few months ago, we explored how Mercury looked like it was going retrograde, or moving backwards. This is the second of four times it'll happen this year, and it goes on until May 30. What does it mean, and how is it different this time around?

Mercury is the planet that represents information, communication and technology -- when it "goes backward," it can throw off all these areas of our life! You might find yourself sending text messages to the wrong person, or your computer might suddenly crash. You could find yourself in the middle of a ridiculous argument with a family member, friend or partner. Put simply? There may be general confusion. Keep this in mind, and go easy on yourself (and others!) within the next few weeks.

So while we avoid signing contracts, buying electronics and cars and making any big decisions in the relationship department (all big no-nos during Mercury Retrograde), this is also a Mercury Retrograde with its own flavor. This time around, it's happening in the sign of Gemini. This is one of two signs that the planet of Mercury "rules," and Geminis will feel this retrograde period more strongly than other signs will. But whatever your sign, you'll definitely be more focused on stereotypically "Gemini" qualities. Gemini is the smart sign that is all about collecting information, so look forward to a few weeks of heavy thinking looking inward. Also, Gemini is very much about the present, so our focus will be on now -- not so much on the future.

Luckily, this is also a great time to go backwards to correct old mistakes and missteps. Is there something you've forgotten to do, specifically a "Gemini" activity like replying to an important email, sending someone a letter or making an overdue apology? The universe is in your corner! Be cautious, and make the most of this confusing but dynamic time!


Sandy said...

I've many old mistakes to correct!! From which one to start?? Hmmmm, no surprise I'm a Gemini

ramon said...

mercury retrograde is scary to me, it puts me into deep stress!