Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mercury in Its First Day of Direct Motion

We seem to be mentally active today with the Moon in picky Virgo and the Sun in curious Gemini; both of these signs are ruled by communicator Mercury, now in its first day of direct motion. However, upon deeper analysis, the energy is more grounded than it first appears with action-packed Mars entering stable Taurus. Virgo, like Taurus, is a practical earth sign, and the Moon’s conjunction with realistic Saturn here tells the rest of the story.

Aries: You have been flying high on so many levels for the past several months that you cannot help but notice when your ruling planet Mars leaves your sign today for the bucolic pastures of verdant Taurus. It’s hard to know whether you should feel anxious when everything slows down so quickly or if it’s smarter to acknowledge your relief. Just keep in mind that nothing’s wrong; it’s simply time for you to move a little slower.

Taurus: Assertive Mars enters your sign today for a six-week visit to fire up your enthusiasm and motivate you to be more proactive. Instead of waiting for opportunities to come your way now, go out and find them. But don’t waste your energy on non-essential tasks. Take your time and decide what makes the most sense before you commit to something that doesn’t matter in the long run.

Gemini: If something happens today that’s beyond your control, don’t give up and withdraw your energy, even if you are tempted to retreat. Granted, you might need a little time to regroup as you think about your next line of attack. But don’t confuse a minor setback with defeat. Even if you lose a battle, you can still win the war.

Cancer: You might feel more social today, but others probably won’t realize it because your caution can mask your enthusiasm. Nevertheless, you are eager to have quality interactions with your friends and family, yet you’re not particularly interested in wasting time just going through the motions. Don’t try to justify your desire for more meaning in your life; just act in a manner that expresses your sincere intentions.

Leo: You want to be spontaneous, yet playful activities may seem immature or even out of place today because your mind is set on more important things. Part of your current intelligence is your wisdom to set practical goals that are fully attainable. Your ambitions may not be as grandiose as you like, but there’s still much for you to do, so save the partying for another day and get to work.

Virgo: The Moon’s conjunction with sobering Saturn in your sign today is an indication of your current mindset. You are willing to put in the extra effort when you know exactly what you will receive in return for your hard work. Nevertheless, it may be challenging to settle your energy when you are also concerned about unfinished projects. Don’t be overly self-critical; give yourself a few days to complete old business before making a final judgment.

Libra: It might feel as if an era is coming to a close today, but it’s really not anything that big. Still, your life is changing as you respond to the cooling of someone’s energy. Keep in mind that everything goes through phases. Allow others the personal space to retreat emotionally without turning the situation into a melodrama based on your fear of abandonment.

Scorpio: It’s smart to finish up your chores early today, because other people are beginning to make more demands on your time, leaving your schedule stretched thin. You might run into resistance from the very same people who usually support you, but don’t be overly concerned. This is not a long-term problem; it’s merely reminding you not to depend on others for the motivation you should receive from within yourself.

Sagittarius: You may need to exercise your authority today, but telling others what to do may not be your best option. You could run into unexpected resistance if you assume that you are in control and that everyone should listen to you. It may be a smarter strategy to demonstrate how responsible you can be through self-discipline. Acting like an adult is surely more effective than demanding that someone else should grow up.

Capricorn: You may be contemplating a change in your tactics today, for you have been working too hard and aren’t getting as much accomplished as you want. The Moon’s conjunction to your ruling planet Saturn can force you back to the drawing board. Luckily, your greatest strength is your ability to make a sound plan now and then follow through with the execution later on.

Aquarius: You may not like the feeling you’re getting about what’s ahead because you are already taking your work quite seriously and it doesn’t seem to be enough. Perhaps you’ve been so focused lately that you don’t have enough time to spend with a loved one or with your family. You can work as hard as anyone, but it’s wiser now to work smarter instead of longer.

Pisces: The sensitive Moon’s conjunction with judgmental Saturn in your 7th House of Partners indicates how difficult it is for you to meet someone else’s standards today. Others may be making impossible demands on you, but you cannot just walk away now and ignore them. Getting angry won’t solve anything; it will only escalate the tension. You might not want to remain silent, but your best strategy could be to grit your teeth and just work even harder for a day or two.


Vivian said...

Thanks for the info. I hope my life will be much better now, last few weeks were really awful!

eugine said...

i had my laptop broken, my car crashed during this time, totally a nightmare for me :( i hope all gone now

Lisa said...

Some of my business agreements has been cancelled, now I can see why!!

Anton said...

i'm aquarius i hate everything including myself