Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mercury Turns Direct

A few weeks back, Mercury Retrograde began, that confusing time when mistakes seem to happen like clockwork, and when communication seems to be just a little bit off. Good news , the planet of interaction and information "turns direct" on May 28! What does that mean for you and, more importantly, how can you take advantage of this situation?

Although it will take a while for things to straighten themselves out, you'll definitely feel the technical side of things running smoother. You'll experience fewer car problems, your phone won't die on you unexpectedly, your computer won't freeze up as much and the small conveniences of daily life will work in your favor again.

You'll probably feel a lot more clear-headed, too. Mercury Retrograde is the worst time to sign contracts or make agreements, because when the information planet (Mercury) is in Bizarro World, it means you don't have all the facts you need to make a solid decision. You can now be confident about signing that lease, financing that car or even just changing cell phone plans. You can also make important decisions with confidence.

And even though Mercury Retrograde is the ideal time to go back and fix old mistakes, once Mercury turns direct and appears to move forward again, you'll want to clean up the messes that happened during Mercury Retrograde. Whether these are technical, personal or professional, the universe is on your side, giving you a push to get your act together!

Finally, if you felt like you weren't able to make progress on your own projects or make headway with difficult issues in the past few weeks, now is the time to power ahead! The confusion that was floating around in the universe is dissipating just a bit, and Mercury is gaining strength to help you express yourself clearly and confidently.


Larissa said...

Mercury retrograde effected my business badly! Waiting for it to turn direct, nothing else to do now!

Jay said...

omg! i read a lot of articles about mercury retgrade 2009, but the one you wrote is defitinely realistic, congratulations!


ciao! loved your website mystical future, i'm libra.

paris said...

i'm dating leo, but he's not loyal to me! should i leave him or what? help me, i'm aquarius

Gary said...

Thanks for detailed mercury article, regards

Sacha said...

A few days ago, my laptop display stopped working. Now I know its because of mercury retrograde! I've learned something new for me...