Thursday, May 7, 2009

Susan Boyle, a Typical Aries Woman

Scottish singer Susan Boyle was born on April 1, 1961 (1961-04-01) is a typical Aries woman with no man, waiting for her perfect wealthy match. But like most of other Aries woman she will live rest of her life single with no kids.

The Aries woman is governed under her ruling planet of Mars, the god of war and, with the daring and bravado of that sign she is always preparing for or, setting forth into life in the search for new worlds to conquer.

The Aries woman is particularly good when it comes to inspiring others, She is highly motivated person and, with incredible drive and ambition, is not the type of person who will take no for an answer. When she is rejected, she will retreat just long enough in order to regroup her resources to again charge on ahead once more.

The greatest weakness of the Aries woman is her tendency to be aware only of her own needs, desires, and objectives. She assumes that what is correct for her is also right for everyone else. She doesn't like to put on make up, and not a feminine type of a woman. Both Aries men and women are known with their selfishness. These folks like to get the public attention on them.

Susan Boyle who came to public attention when she appeared as a contestant on the third series of Britain's Got Talent. Boyle became known when she sang 'I Dreamed a Dream' from Les Misérables in the competition's first round, first broadcast in the United Kingdom on 11 April 2009.


NilNYC said...

I was wondering about her horoscope, because indeed she is an interesting character oh and now I learned... Thanks for this post MysticFuture...

Mystical Future said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm happy you enjoyed my article on Susan's horoscope.

Gary said...

Aries women really don't put on make up, I know!