Sunday, May 10, 2009

Taurean Zellweger, Clooney, Streisand

Sign of the month, Taurus, the Bull, is patient and reliable, warmhearted and loving, persistent and determined, placid and security loving...

Taureans are practical, methodical and ambitious, within a framework of obedience to superiors. They are at their best in routine positions of trust and responsibility, where there is little need of urgency and even less risk of change, and a pension at the end. Yet they are creative and good founders of enterprises where the rewards of their productiveness come from their own work and not that of others.

No other sign in the zodiac is closer to earth then Taurus. The main objective in leading a Taurean life is primarily (though not entirely) to maintain stability and physical concerns. Your inner spiritual sense longs for earthly harmony and wholesomeness. When you fully understand this, and work toward this end, you will no longer need to blindly reassure yourself with external possessions and comforts. A realization that finding this inner peace will cause all of the above mentioned positive things will overtake you and your life will be very full.

They have a strong aesthetic taste, enjoying art, for which they may have a talent, beauty (recoiling from anything sordid or ugly) and music. Allied to their taste for all things beautiful is a love for the good things of life pleasure, comfort, luxury and good food.

Ultimately the Taurean needs to discover their truest, deepest and highest values. When they know what is truly valuable, they are no longer chained to people and to things that have to do with lesser values. The greatest indication of value to a Taurean is beauty, which cannot be owned, only appreciated.

Taurean Renee Zellweger
Born on April 25, 1969, Katy, TX, US. Down-home Texas girl Renee Zellweger was a virtual unknown when she won the part of Tom Cruises leading lady in Jerry Maguire, beating out other, far better-known actresses such as Patricia Arquette, Cameron Diaz and Winona Ryder. With a seemingly unpronounceable name and only a smattering of (mostly bit) parts in indie films to her credit, she seemed an unlikely choice for the role, that is, until the films release, when it garnered much critical and commercial success. Zellweger has still stayed true to her appreciation of offbeat stories and roles; Nurse Betty afforded her another opportunity to display her wide range of acting skills in a film that was both hilarious and very, very dark. The same year Zellweger starred in Me, Myself & Irene opposite Jim Carrey; the two struck up a romance and were briefly engaged, but parted ways. Although many people were shocked when this Texan was chosen to play the beloved British book character Bridget Jones, Zellweger gained twenty pounds and secretly got an internship at a London publishing house to find out what it was like to be a plump young woman working in publishing (and the first film earned her an Oscar nomination!). While shes busy enjoying a string of box office hits, what do the stars have in store for her?

With her Sun in Taurus, Zellweger is a practical, steady and determined type. She possesses an earthy sensuality and is likely to be very affectionate, generous and probably somewhat possessive with her loved ones. Due to her grounded, practical nature, her friends are likely to rely on her to provide good advice, to make solid decisions. Those born under the warm light of a Taurus Sun are very like the Bull that symbolizes their Sign -- sturdy like a rock. Taurus is all about self-indulgence and can tend toward laziness as a result, but the Conjunction between her Sun and Saturn, the Taskmaster Planet, ensures that she is disciplined, responsible and focused, instilled with a natural sense of duty.

Her Communication Planet, Mercury, also in Taurus emphasizes and underscores the practicality and stubborn persistence of her Sun Sign. With this placement, Zellweger is likely to be a patient, practical thinker who relies on her common sense to make the right decision. She is likely to make her decisions based on her desire for financial and material security; Taurus is a very possession-oriented Sign that likes to know who, what and how much it has on its side. Mercury in Taurus might indicate that Zellweger is not a very innovative thinker, as progressive ideas and risk-taking arent in Tauruss nature; however, two Mercury aspects indicate that she actually has quite an astute, perceptive mind. Mercury Trines both Jupiter and Pluto in her chart, indicating a very wise and intelligent thinker who is concerned with truth and justice. Sound judgment and shrewd mental powers combine to give Zellweger a unique ability to judge the outcomes of her actions; thus, these aspects work together to help her achieve incredible success in her life.

With her Moon in Leo, her Venus in Aries and her Mars in Sagittarius, Zellweger has plenty of Fire in her chart to spice up that Earthy Sun and Mercury. Her Leo Moon indicates someone who is quite dramatic about her emotions; especially as paired with her Aries Venus, Zellweger lives and loves large. She follows her emotional impulses and, due to Leos influence, is generous and demonstrative with the people she loves. These Planetary placements pair up with her contented Taurus Sun to make for a very sunny, albeit a bit self-centered, temperament -- but not one without occasional outbursts. Venus, the Love Planet, in Aries is a very spicy placement that leads Zellweger to fall in love quickly, on impulse. She might start an affair based on an immediate, gut reaction to a person -- and then awaken with a snort, wondering just who this person is that shes gotten involved with! Consequently, Venus in Aries can lead to short-lived, tempestuous romances; however, Zellwegers Venus Trines Mars, which underscores her Taurean love of commitment and stability in a relationship and promotes marital harmony.

Zellweger is also most likely a rather stubborn person; with her first three Planets in Fixed Signs (Taurus and Leo), she is very self-reliant, purposeful and determined, which can translate easily into a my-way-or-the-highway kind of mentality. Three Fixed Planets is a real boon for her career, however; they create the kind of focus and determination needed to continue on her path despite any obstacles. With Mars, her Passion Planet, in Sagittarius, Zellweger is ardent, restless and adventurous -- and quite morally courageous. She has an idealistic side and her actions back up her beliefs. Her Mars Squares Pluto, which echoes and enhances the strength of those Fixed Planets; this aspect makes for quite an aggressive nature and a refusal to bend to pressure or adversity.

A Mars-Pluto Square could be an indication of tendencies toward a ruthless or even violent nature, but this is probably far from the truth in Zellwegers case. Jupiter, her Luck Planet, lies in Virgo and is Conjunct Uranus and Sextile Neptune. These placements show that Zellweger is happiest when she is doing good work, when she is involved in something that she feels benefits the greater good. She is a philanthropist who reaps the rewards of helping out those less fortunate than herself; with her Sagittarius Mars and the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction, she is also a free thinker whose mind is tuned in to higher vibrations. With such a fortunate birth chart, its no wonder she rose to fame from obscurity so quickly, and it looks like her star will continue to shine.

Taurean George Clooney
Born on May 6, 1961, Lexington, Kentucky, US. Dr. Doug Ross of ER may have said his goodbyes to the emergency room crew after five seasons, but his alter ego, George Clooney, said hello to a big-time movie career. The handsome actor who played a suave pediatrician on NBCs top-rated drama actually had spent years searching for a hit like ER, despite his showbiz upbringing. Even so, he traded in those O.R. scrubs for a chance at silver screen success. Cast opposite Michelle Pfeiffer in the romantic comedy One Fine Day, Clooney showed his sexy, sensitive and silly side. Then Clooney heated up the screen with Jennifer Lopez in the thriller Out of Sight. Clooney also starred in the oceanic epic The Perfect Storm. He won a Golden Globe for his role in the Coen Brothers film O Brother, Where Art Thou?, not only solidifying his stature as a respectable leading man but also revealing his sharp wit and award-worthy comic timing. The hits just keep on coming, including his accomplished directorial debut Confessions of a Dangerous Mind and the sexy romantic comedy Intolerable Cruelty (with Catherine Zeta-Jones, and another Coen Brothers work). Whats up next for this talent? The stars may have an idea!

Born under a Taurus Sun, its no wonder Clooney is so steamily sensual and sexy -- and determined to reach his goals. Taurus is the Sign of the Bull, and possesses a great, stubborn patience that lends itself to success. Taurus is also the most sensuous Sign of the Zodiac, in love with all physical pleasures from sex to cuddling to eating rich, sweet and creamy desserts. Taureans appreciate the finer things in life, art, fine food, expensive cars, well-made clothes ... And yet they wear their class and extravagance in a decidedly down-to-earth way, a quality Clooney has definitely mastered (after all, hes the top man on so many of Hollywoods best-dressed lists). He may be a ladies man, but hes also a man with a plan and hell stick to it, no matter how long it takes or how difficult it becomes. Trying to change his mind would be fruitless, since Taureans are notoriously difficult to budge.

With his Mercury also in Taurus (and Conjunct his Sun), Clooney is a straight shooter who says what he thinks. The actors words are well-thought-out and to the point, and hell only tell you what you need to hear. Since his Sun and Mercury are both Square Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion, Clooney is quick with a verbal comeback and may occasionally shock listeners with his candor. The rebel in this Sexiest Man Alive is simmering beneath the surface, waiting to pounce at the right moment.

His Venus, the Planet of Love, in fiery Aries makes Clooney a bit impetuous and possibly selfish in the game of love. He may have a me first! attitude in romance that can be hard on his lover. Furthermore, with his Venus making no aspect to any other Planet in his chart, Clooney may be similarly disconnected in affairs of the heart.

Thanks to potent Mars in dramatic Leo, the spotlight is square on Clooney. Devilishly yet regally charming, Clooney likes being in charge, the better to get the attention he deserves (or so hed say). While the Taurus in his chart may tone things down a bit, you can bet that Clooney wants big time success. And with the stars on his side, hes getting his way!

Taurean Barbra Streisand
Born on April 24, 1942, Brooklyn, NY, US. Barbra Streisand is a talent for the ages, yet sometimes its hard to see past her much-ballyhooed features and diva-esque personality. This Brooklyn-born gal started singing and acting early on and was still a relative pup when she hit the stage as Fanny Brice in Funny Girl. The rest, as they say, is history, but its definitely a tale worth telling. Streisand has set herself apart by succeeding on many stages. As a singer, The Voice has recorded countless albums and collected an armload of Grammys. Her musical stylings have translated to the small screen as well, where over thirty years worth of musical specials have yielded numerous Emmys. On the silver screen, Streisands considerable talents as actress, producer and director have also been richly rewarded (she has two Oscars). After a series of high-profile love affairs (producer Jon Peters, actor Don Johnson and newsman Peter Jennings are among her conquests), Streisand has settled into wedded bliss with actor James Brolin.

Born with her Sun in Taurus, Streisand has the Bulls characteristic drive and endurance. Those influenced by this Sign are also reliable and conservative and enjoy a hard days work. That level of work often yields the material comforts which the Bull so fervently craves. Expect Streisand to be alternately responsible and unyielding, often patient yet sometimes woefully possessive and jealous. Bottom line: Dont look for Streisand to change her tune.

Streisand owes her flair for the dramatic to her Moon in Leo. This placement speaks to one who is a bit self-centered and adores the bouquets and accolades that are accorded to a star. Babs loves being the boss but can also be the nurturer, taking great pride in her home and family. Since her Moon is Conjunct Pluto, the Planet of Power, look for intense emoting from the songstress. Streisand will pick up on the weaknesses of others and use this gambit to seize control. This alignment gets even edgier since its affected by Streisands Taurus Sun. The divas Sun is also Square Moon and Pluto, creating further tension. The Sun and Moon are very personal Planets, so when Pluto is introduced into the mix, things get pretty messy. Simply put, Streisands Sun and Moon are at war with one another, creating upheaval and allowing the actress to gain little satisfaction from her considerable achievements. A silver lining, however, can be gleaned from Plutos rebirthing energy: The star can always be reborn!

Thanks to a Rising Sign of Aries at 0 degrees, Streisands image to the world is all about me. How else do you become a diva? This lady exudes courage and daring and is intent on pushing envelopes. Competitive? Yep, and impatient and energetic to boot. With her Mercury in Taurus, though, Streisands chatter is well thought-out. She measures her words and says sensible things that will get her ahead.

Its Venus in Pisces that defines this lady in the game of love. Streisand has high ideals when it comes to a lover. If her intended doesnt live up to expectations, shell be disappointed, a common occurrence since her expectations are often unrealistic. Love really rules this funny girl, and impractical as that may be, it is her cross to bear.

With Mars in Gemini, Streisands Planet of Passion gets a real talking-to. Its all about words here, as the actress takes the Twins penchant for chatter to new levels, arguing at every turn, sometimes simply for the fun of it. Look out world -- or is that colleagues? Streisands notorious difficulties on the set may get their energy from this placement, as the producer/directors keen intellect can result in a flurry of barbs to anyone in her presence. Since Mars is Square Neptune, the Planet of Illusion, in her chart, Streisands best ideas may be a real stretch. She talks a good game and possesses mercurial energy, but beneath it all may be ill-advised moves and hidden agendas. The actress may also resort to escapism when her seemingly good ideas are given short shrift.

One last look at Streisands chart shows all her Planets except Venus below the horizon. This formation in the heavens speaks to a very personal and private person here on Earth. Babs really doesnt want her life exposed, and what she doesnt want, she doesnt get.

Famous Taureans
Apr 25 Al Pacino
Apr 21 Andie MacDowell
Apr 29 Andre Agassi
Apr 24 Barbra Streisand
Apr 20 Carmen Electra
Apr 26 Carol Burnett
Apr 30 Cloris Leachman
Apr 27 Coretta Scott King
Apr 29 Daniel Day-Lewis
Apr 30 Isiah Thomas
Apr 22 Jack Nicholson
Apr 28 Jay Leno
Apr 29 Jerry Seinfeld
Apr 20 Jessica Lange
Apr 26 Jordana Brewster
Apr 30 Kirsten Dunst
Apr 29 Michelle Pfeiffer
Apr 28 Penelope Cruz
Apr 25 Renee Zellweger
Apr 28 Saddam Hussein
Apr 23 Sandra Dee
Apr 23 Scott Bairstow
Apr 27 Sheena Easton
Apr 24 Shirley MacLaine
Apr 26 Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins
Apr 29 Uma Thurman
Apr 30 Akon
Apr 30 Willie Nelson
May 17 Andrea Corr
May 04 Audrey Hepburn
May 09 Billy Joel
May 10 Bono
May 07 Breckin Meyer
May 20 Busta Rhymes
May 09 Candice Bergen
May 14 Cate Blanchett
May 20 Cher
May 18 Chow Yun-Fat
May 12 Christian Campbell
May 02 Christine Baranski
May 05 Danielle Fishel
May 16 David Boreanaz
May 15 David Krumholtz
May 16 Debra Winger
May 17 Dennis Hopper
May 13 Dennis Rodman
May 08 Enrique Iglesias
May 07 Eva Peron
May 12 Gabriel Byrne
May 06 George Clooney
May 14 George Lucas
May 13 Harvey Keitel
May 03 James Brown
May 15 James Mason
May 16 Janet Jackson
May 12 Katherine Hepburn
May 04 Lance Bass
May 02 Lily Allen
May 10 Linda Evangelista
May 06 Mare Winningham
May 08 Melissa Gilbert
May 01 Mitzi Kapture
May 11 Natasha Richardson
May 19 Nora Ephron
May 16 Pierce Brosnan
May 04 Randy Travis
May 01 Rita Coolidge
May 12 Stephen Baldwin
May 13 Stevie Wonder
May 05 Tammy Wynette
May 06 Tony Blair
May 16 Tori Spelling
May 07 Traci Lords


Tina said...

George and Renee, both very charismatic..

Ciarah said...

Lily Allen is a Taurean too

Mystical Future said...

Hi Tina, I agree with you, both George Clooney and Renee Zellweger are very charismatic, Barbra Streisand is very charismatic, too.

Mystical Future said...

Hi Ciarah, Lily Allen is already in the list of famous Taureans.