Saturday, June 6, 2009

Geminian Depp, Jolie, McCartney

Sign of the month, Gemini, the Twins, is curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. The people who were born under the Gemini Sun, widely known for their dual personalities and ability to change mood from moment to moment. Although they hate to be tied down, they make lively, entertaining and romantic partners, even if they can be rather fickle if bored or unhappy.

The twin sides of their nature are perpetually pulling in opposite directions. Their brains are subtle and brilliant but they usually “lack continuity of purpose”. Of all people they are the most difficult to understand; in temperament they are hot and cold almost at the same moment. They love with one side of their nature and they are often critical or dislike with the other people. Their sharp wit and excellent powers of observation make them a good raconteur, although they have a tendency to exaggerate which can cause trouble with their relationships.

It is difficult even for them to understand what they want to achieve. At heart they are ambitious for social position; but when obtained they have already tired of it, and are ready to go in for something else or for something totally opposite. Being natural communicators these people do not suffer fools gladly; so once they are attracted to people, they have to ensure that they are not dull or mundane. They will no doubt spending ages chatting to anyone about every subject under the sun, just to keep feeding their ever active and inquisitive mind.

If taken as they are, in their own moods, they are the most delightful people imaginable, but one must not attempt to hold them or to expect them to be constant to their ideas or plans. They believe they are truthful, constant, faithful, and so they may be at the moment, but every moment to them has a separate existence. These people have an ability to see quickly the weak points in those they meet, and can reduce all to nothing by wit, sarcasm, or mimicry. Almost all of them are great talkers and usually very much in demand socially because they are so entertaining. Gemini is the life of the party. They often succeed the best, as far as money is concerned, but their more suitable career is generally that which requires diplomacy, tact, and finesse. The representatives of lower types are unscrupulous in finance and untruthful. They often make successful gamblers and company promoters of “get-rich-quick” schemes.

Either type make hosts of friends and are kind-hearted and generous to the person who fills their thoughts at the moment, but “out of sight, out of mind” explains their fits of “forgetfulness” as nothing else can. In all matters of affection they are human puzzles. They can love passionately and yet be inconstant at the same moment, and it is only their shield of diplomacy and exquisite tact that keeps them from often making a mess of their lives.

Geminian Johnny Depp
Born on June 9, 1963, Owensboro, KY, US. Cinemas bad boy probably doesnt care if you like his movies or not, but chances are you will. Gemini Johnny Depp has shone like a star in a slew of films both big-budget and small, and is an indie mainstay (bringing his star presence to such films as Edward Scissorhands, Dead Man and Whats Eating Gilbert Grape). A truly prolific actor at a relatively young age, he has played opposite several of the greats, including Marlon Brando (in Don Juan de Marco) and Dennis Hopper (in The Source), and has worked with many truly amazing directors, including John Waters, Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam and Jim Jarmusch. His best-known roles, however, may be as Winonas ex and the hilariously over-the-top pirate captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribean. His favorite role to date, though, seems to be that of doting daddy. He has a family with French actress Vanessa Paradis; of their daughter, he said, Without question, this is the greatest thing Ive done in my life. What do the stars have to say about this hot star?

Born under a Gemini Sun, Depp is incredibly versatile, a facile communicator who can easily do three things at once. For Depp, talking, facts and trivia are all a form of sport, but his Sun Trine Saturn brings a sweetly serious side to a potentially flaky or happy-go-lucky Sign. This aspect means Depp has realistic goals in mind and is a diligent, prudent worker. Instead of being all talk, he backs up his constantly-coming ideas with solid action.

His Capricorn Moon gives Depp that ambitious edge and the ability to wa
it for things to come to him. This Moon placement may make him a bit cool or restrained in the love department, but its a wonder for his career. Alls not lost for Depps love life, however, his Moon interacts with several of his other Planets, effectively softening him up and saving the day. First, its Square Jupiter, which may make him too much of a softie, with a real vulnerability for sob stories. His Moon Sextile Neptune lends him a very healthy dose of intuition and possibly even psychic abilities, and Trine Pluto gives him tremendous emotional strength. Furthermore, his Mercury Conjunct Venus in Taurus makes him a charming and affectionate lover.

His love relationships are also likely to be tied to his career and reputation, since the Mercury-Venus Conjunction lies in his Tenth House of Social Status. We could attribute his relationships with Paradis and exes Winona Ryder, Sherilyn Fenn, Jennifer Grey and Kate Moss to this Tenth House Venus influence, or we could just chalk those relationships up to Depps status as one of the Hollywood elite. For an actor as recognizable (and lusted after) as him, it would be hard to connect with anyone not in the business. What we can infer from the stars is that Depps is one hectic love life, his Venus Squares both Mars and Uranus, making him incredibly sexy and attractive but throwing a chaotic, intense element into the mix.

Depp’s darker side comes to view via Mars, Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. He may seem quiet and mild-mannered, but underneath this slick veneer is someone who could lose it if the housecleaner messed up his desk. He has some diametrically opposed impulses at war within him, namely the urge to be reckless and rebellious (Mercury Square Uranus, Mars Conjunct Uranus) versus the urge toward conservatism and efficient perfectionism (this influence coming from Virgo and his Saturn aspects). With these planetary alignments, Depp would be well-served to tread lightly, although some might be attracted to this edgy aspect of his personality. Depp’s Mars Conjunct Pluto may be the most telling as to his overall impact on the general public. This aspect between the Planets of Passion and Power is what makes him so magnetically, sexily attractive, so incredibly ambitious, so passionate about his work.

Geminian Angelina Jolie
Born on June 4, 1975, Los Angeles, CA, US. Actress Angelina Jolies star is rising. With three, count em, Golden Globes under her belt (including Best Actress in the title role in HBOs Gia) and an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in Girl, Interrupted to boot, Jolie, an airy Gemini, should be flying high. The daughter of actor Jon Voight is a former model and a tattooed bad girl. She has held her own opposite the likes of Denzel Washington (in The Bone Collector) and Nicolas Cage (in Gone In Sixty Seconds), and her embodiment of Lara Croft Tomb Raider has definitely made her one to watch. Her tempestuous personal life has also garnered her lots of publicity and attention! Lets see what the stars have to say about what makes this beauty a star… Born under Geminis influence, Jolie was bound from the beginning to follow a careening path toward self-knowledge and enlightenment. Geminis have a great urge toward communication and self-expression, making acting a natural career choice; they also enjoy a constant, driving thirst for knowledge. They will not rely on the teachings of others, but instead must learn everything for themselves firsthand, regardless of the cost. Geminis may have difficulty in concentrating on one particular field or career for very long.Jolie is a true Gemini: As a child she wanted to be a funeral director, but then began attending the prestigious Lee Strasberg Theater Institute at the tender (and precocious) age of 11. Next she went into modeling, and later entered film school at New York University. Now she is an established actress and one of Hollywoods hottest stars. But dont expect this leading lady to stick with acting for long, her intense desire to learn lifes lessons firsthand, coupled with her tendency to drop projects before theyre finished, will most likely lead her places even shell be surprised to go.

Gemini is an Air Sign, but Jolies a real firebrand. This could have something to do with the heavy Fire Sign influence in her chart: Both Mars and Jupiter, her Planets of Passion and Luck, reside in Fiery Aries, making Jolie a direct, aggressive and competitive person who goes after what she wants on impulse without a backwards glance. Again, these planets position in Aries influences Jolies courageous, carefree enthusiasm for life, as well as her frequent inability to finish what she started. One great lifes lesson for her will be to learn to ground herself and commit to one project or undertaking, or person.

Venus, the Planet of Love, resides in Cancer in Jolies chart. For her, marriage means security. She has a tendency to cling to those she loves, whether romantically or platonically (in her Oscar acceptance speech on March 26, 2000, she tearfully proclaimed her undying love for her brother). Her marriage to British actor Jonny Lee Miller didnt last long. Jonnys a Scorpio, thats a Water Sign, which may help explain their split. Jolies chart is almost completely lacking in Earth Signs; she may do best with an Earthy mate who provides her with the stability and practicality that she cant easily provide for herself.

Billy Bob Thornton wasn’t an Earth Sign, and wasn’t the lifelong mate for Jolie either. Jolies Mars in Aries makes her a doer, not a talker. She married Miller wearing black rubber pants and a tee shirt bearing his name on the back, written in her own blood. She married Thornton even though he was already engaged to someone else (actress Laura Dern). Is Jolie crazy or callous? Not necessarily, she simply feels and acts passionately. Her Moon Square Saturn, however, lends an inhibitive influence to her emotional life; as much as she wants love, as passionate as she can feel for another person, she may tend toward despondency and discouragement in her love life. She would benefit from learning to be more trusting and optimistic.

Jolie, French for pretty, is actually Angelinas middle name. The strong Gemini influence in Angelinas chart makes her totally unwilling to ride on her famous actor fathers Hollywood coat tails. Her Mercury is in Gemini as well, lending her an agile, perceptive mind and the ability to think logically. Her Saturn is in Cancer, which will benefit her well on her course through life: Whether she continues with acting or finds another form of self-expression, she is graced with the tenacity to continue on any course she chooses, regardless of any obstacles that may arise. She does not want anyones sympathy; rather, she wants to solve her own problems without anyones help. If she can take care that her energies do not become divided (her Jupiter in Aries frequently leads her to overextend herself), she is likely to go far and find the peace and knowledge that she seeks.

Geminian Paul McCartney
Born on June 18, 1942, Liverpool, England. Paul McCartney hardly needs introduction. Lauded as the greatest pop composer of all time (along with fellow Beatle John Lennon), this onetime Beatles bassist has been a rising star since he was just a kid, back in 1960 when the group first formed in Liverpool, England. McCartney even holds a few Guinness World Records (most records sold and most number one songs, among others). In 1996, he was awarded knighthood during the annual British Honours List. And McCartney is one of the richest rock stars in the world. In spite of these astronomical successes, however, he has also borne his fair share of hardships. In 1980, he lost his longtime friend and former band mate, John Lennon; then, in 1998, his wife of 29 years, Linda McCartney, lost her battle with breast cancer. After an intense grieving period (in Classic FM, a British magazine, McCartney said, I thought I might be dead by the end of the [first] year, it would just be so unbearable), McCartney found love again two years later with humanitarian activist Heather Mills, a former model twenty-five years his junior. What do the stars have to say about this mans ubiquitous influence, his style of loving and his future?

McCartneys Sun Sign is in Gemini, an Air Sign that rules intense communication and intellectual pursuits. His chart is actually full of Geminis influence: Not only his Sun Sign, but also his Mercury, Saturn and Uranus lie in Gemini. Uranus in Gemini points to inventiveness and ingenuity, and Mercury in Gemini indicates an avid curiosity and the desire to learn. McCartney has a quick mind for logical, original thought. His Saturn in Gemini lends itself to the sound judgment that aids and tempers the free expression of his ideas, an element necessary to any artists (or activists) success. These qualities of self-expression are further enhanced by his Mars in Leo, which indicates his excellent leadership abilities and drive for power. His ambition and initiative are backed up by determination and confidence, making quite a winning combo. This urge to succeed is not just a desire for material or social support: For McCartney, its an issue of pride.

In addition to his music, McCartney has done ongoing work as a political activist, spokesman and financial supporter of many charities. Much of his charity work has centered on the importance of animal rights and the benefits of vegetarianism, a focus which could be influenced by Neptunes placement in Virgo in his chart, as well as Jupiters in Cancer. Neptune in Virgo points to an interest in spiritual healing, holistic medicine and a concern for the nutritional needs of himself and others. Jupiter in Cancer denotes a desire to shelter the homeless and feed the hungry. McCartneys first concern, of course, is always his family, and he uses that forum from which to express his political philosophies.

People with a Leo Moon generally take intense pride in their home and family. McCartneys Moon in Leo helps speak to his love of children: He had three with Linda and adopted Lindas daughter from a previous marriage, and now has a family with Heather Mills as well. McCartneys Venus in Taurus helps further explain his relationship with Linda; how many rock stars stay married until death do us part? Those with Venus in Taurus tend to create lasting friendships, serious romantic links and permanent marital bonds. McCartneys love for model-activist Heather Mills also makes sense, despite their considerable age difference. Her activism most likely appealed to him strongly (her own personal tragedy, the loss of the lower half of her left leg in 1993, led her to found the Heather Mills Health Trust, dedicated to recycling artificial limbs for land mine victims in war-torn countries). Mills is an Aquarius; generally, relationships between these two Air Signs are full of light and laughter, adventure and excitement. They are able to respect and allow one anothers independence and the freedom to express themselves. McCartney and Mills may even have some kind of psychic connection, some deep, inner draw toward one another, possibly resulting from past life ties.

Famous Geminians

May 25 Anne Heche
May 29 Annette Bening
May 24 Bob Dylan
May 31 Brooke Shields
May 31 Clint Eastwood
May 23 Drew Carey
May 21 Fairuza Balk
May 28 Gladys Knight
May 27 Harlan Ellison
May 26 Helena Bonham-Carter
May 23 Ilia Kulik
May 24 John C. Reilly
May 29 John F. Kennedy
May 27 Joseph Fiennes
May 24 Kristin Scott Thomas
May 28 Kylie Minogue
May 25 Lauryn Hill
May 26 Lenny Kravitz
May 27 Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes
May 27 Louis Gossett Jr.
May 29 Melanie “Scary Spice” Brown
May 25 Mike Myers
May 25 Miles Davis
May 22 Morrissey
May 21 Mr. T
May 22 Naomi Campbell
May 26 Pam Grier
May 27 Peri Gilpin
May 29 Richard Lee Jackson
May 29 Rupert Everett
May 26 Sally Kirsten Ride
May 26 Stevie Nicks
May 30 Wynonna Judd
Jun 01 Alanis Morissette
Jun 03 Allen Ginsberg
Jun 13 Ally Sheedy
Jun 04 Angelina Jolie
Jun 07 Anna Kournikova
Jun 02 Barry Levinson
Jun 14 Boy George
Jun 04 Bruce Dern
Jun 11 Christina Crawford
Jun 15 Courtney Cox
Jun 10 Elizabeth Hurley
Jun 13 Ethan Embry
Jun 21 Francoise Sagan
Jun 11 Gene Wilder
Jun 15 Helen Hunt
Jun 12 Jim Nabors
Jun 08 Joan Rivers
Jun 20 John Goodman
Jun 20 John Mahoney
Jun 09 Johnny Depp
Jun 11 Joshua Jackson
Jun 16 Joyce Carol Oates
Jun 19 Kathleen Turner
Jun 05 Kenny G
Jun 16 Laurie Metcalf
Jun 10 Leelee Sobieski
Jun 07 Liam Neeson
Jun 01 Marilyn Monroe
Jun 05 Mark Wahlberg
Jun 09 Michael J. Fox
Jun 01 Morgan Freeman
Jun 09 Natalie Portman
Jun 17 Newt Gingrich
Jun 20 Nicole Kidman
Jun 07 Nikki Giovanni
Jun 04 Noah Wyle
Jun 18 Paul McCartney
Jun 19 Paula Abdul
Jun 07 Prince
Jun 06 Sandra Bernhard
Jun 18 Sir Paul McCartney
Jun 02 Stacy Keach
Jun 14 Steffi Graf
Jun 10 Tara Lipinski
Jun 13 Tim Allen
Jun 07 Tom Jones
Jun 17 Venus Williams
Jun 16 Yasmine Bleeth


rachel said...

handsome depp hmmmmmm, i'm gemini too

Derek said...

angelina, the symbol of beauty for me... my wife is also gemini...

Norma said...

My sister is gemini, omg she's crazy, her attitude can change from moment to moment!

Brian said...

hi-really nice blog-follow your articles since i've realised whatever you tell about horoscopes come true

william said...

paul mccartney still reminds me of beautiful beatles songs...

Renee said...

Hi, whenever there's full moon, I take care of my family and myself, I feel like I need to protect them.