Monday, June 15, 2009

Jupiter's Retrograde Turn Today

The exquisite perfection of an ideal fantasy can bring smiles to our faces now as the imaginative Pisces Moon works her magic on us. We are entranced by beautiful Venus as she forms a creative quintile with the Chiron-Neptune-Jupiter superconjunction, emphasizing our hope for a Utopian future. But we may also be setting ourselves up for disappointment because giant Jupiter's retrograde turn today can reveal how reality falls short of our dreams.

Aries: Your self-esteem may be tested now, but you should come through with flying colors. However, you may feel as if you have been misled by your friends, only to realize later that you were lured off course by your own expectations. Once you realize the source of your confusion, it's not difficult to see what's really going on. Today the truth really can set you free.

Taurus: Your key planet Venus enables you to be at your best today, but you still might overestimate the impact you'll have on others. You see the professional opportunities that may be opening up, yet they might just disappear as you attempt to grab one of them. Don't let discouragement cast shadows on a good prospect. Your high expectations will continue to move you in the right direction.

Gemini: You may not be able to reconcile your varied interests now with the demands that are being made on you to follow through on one specific task. You are easily bored and prefer to jump from project to project, like a busy bee in a field of flowers. Nevertheless, consciously concentrating your attention on a single goal can open up other avenues to you. Mysteriously, narrowing your focus expands your overall vision.

Cancer: You want to see rainbows today and live in a world of sunshine and optimism, but reality cannot live up to your lovely fantasy. Unfortunately, your mind is too busy to let you relax long enough to fill in the details of your picture-perfect daydream, no matter how hard you push your other thoughts away. You can, however, be content if you just let the noisy chatter of your brain run its course, unfettered, until it settles down.

Leo: You might have an artistic vision today and, with a bit of patience, could manifest it in your world. Most likely, you won't transform into a Mozart or Picasso, but your lack of technical skill need not hold you back from undertaking a creative activity. Of course you want others to appreciate your work, but take the pressure off and do it just for yourself. The finished product is less important than how you feel during the process.

Virgo: Your key planet Mercury is your nemesis today because he's tap-dancing all over your brain while you are trying to solve one particular problem. Unfortunately, the harder you try to quiet your mind, the noisier it becomes. Although you can usually find peace in your ability to analyze a situation and then make a decision, the present problem will not be solved rationally. Simply imagine the outcome you desire and head in that direction.

Libra: You are ready to share your ideas and they all make sense to you, until you open your mouth and start talking. Even the clearest thoughts become muddled as you try to explain yourself in greater detail. It would be wiser to skip the words and rely on your key planet Venus as she harmonizes with dreamy Neptune today. You can communicate what's important aesthetically or sensually; save the conversation for another day.

Scorpio: Your current dilemma stems from your unwillingness to spend time talking about inconsequential topics. Social convention might require you to interact with others superficially, and yet you are not interested in such a waste of your energy. Nevertheless, holding to your highest intentions might actually get in the way of your search for meaning. Be willing to dance around the edge of an abyss prior to exploring its depths.

Sagittarius: You are eager to go on a journey today, yet practical considerations might prevent you from going too far. You can, however, take a mental trip, but it's crucial that you have a purpose in mind before you venture out. Even if your vision quest is squeezed into little fragments of time while you are at work, you can still explore the far reaches of the cosmos and come back instantaneously to converse with your boss or handle an urgent situation.

Capricorn: You don't mind flying in the realms of imagination, but you can get nervous if you let yourself go out too far. You might even struggle a bit today as you try to find your way down to ground level. But instead of just soaring on uncontrollable winds because it's exciting, stay connected to your immediate task at hand. You'll still be able to be creative, yet you won't need to worry about getting lost in the clouds.

Aquarius: It might appear as if you've lost touch with reality today, but this is only an illusion. Others cannot see what's going on within your mind, so they don't realize how pragmatic you are actually being now. Fortunately, you can use this to your advantage because you don't seem threatening to anyone and this gives you additional latitude to push for what you want.

Pisces: No matter how much responsibility is placed on your shoulders today, you can do what you must and still enjoy escaping to other realms. You are particularly good now at moving in and out of reality so fast that others won't even know you're preoccupied. However, it's still a smart idea to schedule a longer block of time to watch a movie, read a book, or take a quiet walk. Anything that allows you to stretch your mind without worrying about being productive is healthy in the long run.


Hannah said...

Thanks to Pisces Moon, I like to dream and forget about the facts of our cruel wordl sometimes.. Very nice blog..

sarah said...

my close friend is libra, she gets married again and again!! then divorce comes after each of her marriages!! omg someone must stop her....

sarah said...

i think libra believes its a must to marry as a human :))))