Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lost in Dreams

The fair-minded Libra Moon harmoniously trines the restless Gemini Sun today, creating a refreshing movement of ideas. But our heads will be floating in the clouds now, lost in dreams, as beautiful Venus forms a creative sextile with the inspirational Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune conjunction. We can get lazy because life may seem wonderful, even if it's not. Fortunately, we can still reach our goals even if we are not working as hard as we could.

Aries: You aren't interested in logic today, especially if someone is trying to talk you out of doing something that sounds like fun. You might be willing to let go of your obligations, even if you realize that you'll have to pay a price for your immature behavior. But if you stop to think before you run off in search of pleasure, you might just realize that you'll enjoy yourself even more if you finish your work first.

Taurus: It's tough for you to overcome the inertia of being at rest, so you may get off to a very slow start today. You may be dreaming of all the amazing things you can accomplish professionally, but your fantasies won't likely turn to reality unless you are willing to work hard now and set your immediate comfort aside. Although this may be asking a lot of yourself, the satisfaction will be worth it when you have something to show for your day.

Gemini: Your friends will likely encourage you today to try something you've never done before. Fortunately, your willingness to go along with them could make for a thoroughly enjoyable day. Unfortunately, you could become so enamored with what you are doing that you forget about the responsibilities you left behind. Having a good time now is fine as long as you remember to come back to complete your unfinished work.

Cancer: It may be challenging for you to speak spontaneously when you are in the public eye, for you prefer to work out your answers in private before sharing with them others. But if you are comfortable with your co-workers, then you should feel able to explore your options while in the spotlight. However, it's more likely that you'll now fall somewhere in between these two extremes, so keep some ideas to yourself and try them out on an audience when given a chance.

Leo: If you are being told a tall tale today, you'll probably believe what you hear, but this is not necessarily about being gullible. Rather, you are willing to give others the benefit of the doubt. Feeding the spark of someone else's creativity can start a fire that lights up your life. But too much critical analysis can stop the process before its potential is even realized.

Virgo: You might attempt to find balance as you consider making a purchase today, but your natural ability to be discriminating can temporarily fall by the wayside. You might not even take the time to justify what you want now, for it's easier than usual to turn your desire into an immediate action. Nevertheless, you won't likely find much satisfaction in purchasing something beautiful. You still may have buyer's remorse if your new acquisition isn't also useful in some way.

Libra: This may be a storybook day that brings you love, but an idyllic situation might not be as long-lasting as you wish. Your key planet Venus creates opportunities for romance, creativity and spontaneity, while the Moon in your sign increases the volume on your dreams. You must find a comfortable balance between being more realistic and living in the moment. You surely don't want to miss the fun, yet raising your hopes too high can prove disappointing later on.

Scorpio: Your current idea of happiness doesn't necessarily require approval from anyone else. Enjoying your job now is more about internal satisfaction, so you can be quite content today to retreat into your own world as long as you can also be productive. But you'll need to be vigilant, for it can be tempting to just lay back and take it easy. You might enjoy relaxing in the moment, but later you'll probably be very self-critical if you didn't finish your work.

Sagittarius: You have a very healthy attitude about balancing work and play today because you realize that responsibilities will pile up quickly if you don't attend to them now. But even with stronger than usual willpower, too many sweet distractions can break your concentration. Don't be too hard on yourself when you realize that you're not being very productive. Just bring your attention back to your current chores and refocus your intentions on what must be done.

Capricorn: There are those who think that you Goats don't know how to have fun and today's your day to prove them wrong. Although you may be obsessive about trying to finish your work before you shift your energy toward enjoyment, at least you are able to emotionally detach from unfulfilled obligations when you are finally ready to play. If you need to justify your irresponsibility, remember that you'll be more productive once you've had a chance to let loose.

Aquarius: Although you may be floating on a cloud today, it's a real challenge to give yourself permission to let go of other people's expectations of you, especially if they are depending on you now. But don't just succumb to their pressure and timetables; you may derive great benefit now from setting the workaday world aside for a while. Take a wellness day for yourself if you can; your responsibilities will still be there when you return.

Pisces: If you have been considering how to break free from an old habit, today might be your opportunity. Trying something new can be a bit frightening sometimes, but now the anticipation is enough to lure you forward. Even if you are performing a familiar task, try doing it with a different approach. Changing your attitude might be enough to shift the entire experience out of a rut and into a whole new direction.


Mandy said...

I'm Gemini, I hope this effects me positively

norah said...

read your recent article while sipping my coffee, started a good day, feeling fine... what else can i wish...

Don said...

I dislike libra, aries, aquarius, they're liars.

Mystical Future said...

It effects you positively as a Gemini, don't worry Mandy.

Mystical Future said...

Hi Don, Libra, Aries, and Aquarius tell lies, this is true. But if they know people can easily understand this, they don't tell lies. They do it consciously!