Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our Expectations Extraordinarily High

The conceptual Aquarius Moon shapes the first part of our day and her alignment with the visionary Chiron-Neptune-Jupiter superconjunction can motivate us to set our expectations extraordinarily high. The Moon's entry into compassionate Pisces at 5:32 pm EDT shifts our perceptual framework from an intellectual to an emotional one. But it's logical Mercury's late night entry into jittery Gemini that gets us thinking about how to put it all together.

Aries: Your intuition is right on target, as it is a fortunate and imaginative day. Expect good news and useful info from friends. While the Moon activates your psychic faculties, you should look below the surface. Make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight. as you may be low on energy tomorrow. Auspicious colours are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.

Taurus: The planetary powers are working hard for you in the public sphere, so your career should take a leap forward. This could be through the way your own personal magnetism draws in foreigners and artists, or because you get lucky whilst travelling. It is a good day for getting things done and working with authority figures. Expect some excellent news and a bit of good luck for a change! Beneficial colours are cobalt blue and neon red. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.

Gemini: Enjoy your luck, as the Moon dances with fortunate Jupiter and imaginative Neptune in your ninth house of the higher mind. Make friends with people who are a bit out of your usual sphere. It will be worth the effort to try something different or travel somewhere new. Experience the cuisine and art of neighbouring towns and cities for an illuminating experience. Religious, spiritual and educational opportunities are expanded. Beneficial colours are light blue and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.

Cancer: The mysterious Moon in your eighth house of sex, money and power is in fortunate conjunction with generous Jupiter and intuitive Neptune. If you are in a loving intimate relationship, this is a wonderful time to increase closeness. Show you care by serving the one you love. Beneficial colours are shimmering green and regal purple. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.

Leo: Your most vital relationships are energised and fortunate today, Leo. Keep your eyes open and your ear to the ground, as your primary competitors are energised too! Use this power positively by working with your partner or spouse. There's a nice, lucky energy floating around you. Auspicious colours are bright gold and misty blue. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.

Virgo: Be especially conscientious today, Virgo, as the planetary energies could pay off for you. Take good care of yourself so you can be more efficient in your work; there is much satisfaction in good health and competence. This is also a good time to tend to your pets and your house plants. If you haven't been fertilizing your greenery, plan to this afternoon. Advantageous colours are soft coral and carnation pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.

Libra: Your creative energy is increased in your fifth house of romance,children and speculation today. If you've been stumped or suffering writer's block, inspiration is on the way. Make time in your busy schedule for play this afternoon. There could be a big win for you, in love, or in money. A little risk-taking is in order. If you have kids, you'll find them fascinating. Fortunate colours are chrome yellow and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 5 and 17.

Scorpio: A fortunate energy surrounds your home and family, sending you on a trip down memory lane. Go ahead and indulge in all your old favourites. Put a copy of StarWars, Lord of the Rings or Grease on the DVD instead of watching the newscast on television tonight. Escape into the past for a while. However, if you have been considering starting a new venture, today is just the day! Fortunate colours are lilac and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.

Sagittarius: As the Moon dances with fortunate Jupiter, you'll get good news in your neighbourhood. Siblings may drop in for a chat and this is a good time to express yourself. Luck is on your side and putting your feelings out there on a blog, or a forum will help you put everything into perspective. Advantageous colours are royal purple and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 3 and 24.

Capricorn: The Moon in your second house of personal finances, helps you to get back in touch with your material needs. It seems that the more you give to the Universe, the more you receive, so do not doubt your personal security. Today is fortunate for you, so long as you do not overspend. Everything will work out for you. Have faith. Beneficial colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.

Aquarius: It's a truly excellent day as the Moon kisses Jupiter in your sign. Your emotional energy is restored and others notice your rosy glow; expect to get more attention than usual. You'll have extra charm and magnetism, so ask for what you want now. Favourable colours are warm brown and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.

Pisces: Sensitive Fish will be blessed today, as hidden benefits emerge. The Moon dances with your life-rulers Jupiter and Neptune in your twelfth house for most of the day, bringing excitement and energy, along with increased psychic power. Tonight your emotional energy is restored as the Moon enters your sign. Fortunate colours are purple sage and sea green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.


cyntia said...

many thanks for gemini horoscope...

Suzy said...

I think this effects me today, I'm aquarius.

Rachel said...

Whatever you write about Capricorn is just right!

John said...

Pisces women, symbol of beauty..