Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pop Icon Michael Jackson Will Be Missed

Michael Joseph Jackson, was born on August 29, 1958, commonly known as MJ as well as the 'King of Pop', is an American musician, entertainer, and pop icon whose successful career and controversial personal life have been a part of pop culture for the last three decades. He has three children: Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. (known as 'Prince') born on February 13, 1997, Aquarius, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson born on April 3, 1998, Aries, and Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II (known as 'Blanket') born on February 21, 2002, Pisces. Michael Jackson suffers cardiac arrest at home in Los Angeles suburb, and passes away at the age of 50 on June 25, 2009 at UCLA Medical Center. Jackson was dominant in pop music for four decades with Jackson 5, solo.

Michael Jackson is widely regarded as one of the greatest entertainers and most popular recording artists in history, heralding and displaying complicated physical techniques, like the robot and the moonwalk, that have redefined mainstream dance and entertainment. His achievements in the music industry have included, among other things, a revolutionary transformation of music videos, epitomized by 1983's 'Thriller', often cited as the greatest music video of all time, establishing high-profile album releases and sales as a new trend for record companies to generate profits, dominating pop music during the 1980s, and becoming the first black entertainer to amass a strong following on MTV while leading the relatively young channel out of obscurity.

Additionally, Michael Jackson has dabbled in various musical genres and collaborated with several other superstars in the music industry, occasionally also lending his talents to the work of other artists. His distinctive style, moves, and vocals have inspired, influenced, and spawned a whole generation of hip hop, pop, and R&B artists, including Mariah Carey, Usher, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Omarion, Ne-Yo, and Chris Brown, among others. In November 2006, he was symbolically named the 'Most Successful Entertainer of All Time' by Guinness World Records.

Jackson began his musical career at the age of seven as the lead singer of The Jackson 5 and released his first solo recording, Got to Be There, in 1971 while remaining a member of the group. He began a full-fledged solo career in 1979 and formally parted with his siblings in 1984. In his solo career, Jackson recorded and co-produced the best-selling album of all time, Thriller, which has worldwide sales exceeding 104 million. After Thriller, Jackson continued to release internationally chart-topping albums like Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991), HIStory (1995), and Invincible (2001), his latest album of fully original material. Michael Jackson has received thirteen Grammy Awards and charted thirteen number-one singles in the United States, more than any other solo male artist in the Hot 100 era. In November 2006, the World Music Awards announced that Michael Jackson had sold over 750 million units worldwide, making Jackson one of the best-selling music artists of all time. From 1988 to 2005, Jackson lived on his Neverland Ranch property, where he built an amusement park and private zoo.

Michael Jackson Birth Chart

Michael Jackson
August 29, 1958,
11:53 PM, Gary, Indiana, USA

Sun in Virgo
Sun in 4th house
Sun Sextile Neptune
Sun Conjunct Pluto
Sun Opposition Mars / Saturn
Ascendant in Gemini
Moon in Pisces

Gemini Rising
Saturn Opposition Asc.
Moon Square Asc.
Venus Sextile Asc.
Uranus Sextile Asc.

Mercury in Leo
Mercury in 4th house
Mercury Square Mars
Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Mercury Conjunct Sun/Venus
Mercury Conjunct Sun/Uranus
Mercury Conjunct Venus/Pluto
Mercury Conjunct Neptune/Asc.

Moon in Pisces
Moon in 10th house
Moon Quincunx Venus
Moon Square Saturn
Moon Conjunct Saturn/Asc.
Moon Opposition Uranus/N. Node
Venus in Leo
Venus in 3rd house
Venus Square Mars
Venus Trine Saturn
Venus aspects Saturn and Uranus
Venus Conjunct Uranus

Mars in Taurus
Mars in 12th house
Mars Quincunx Saturn
Mars Opposition Mercury/MC
Mars Opposition Saturn/N. Node
Mercury Opposition MC
Venus Opposition MC
Mars Square MC
Saturn Sextile MC
MC Opposition Mercury/Venus
MC Opposition Jupiter/Asc.
MC Opposition Uranus/Pluto
MC Opposition N. Node/Asc.

Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter in 5th house
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune
Jupiter Sextile Pluto
Jupiter Conjunct Sun/Saturn
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune/N. Node

Saturn in Sagittarius
Saturn in 7th house
N. Node in Libra
N. Node in 5th house
N. Node Conjunct Jupiter
N. Node Conjunct Mercury/Saturn

Uranus in 3rd house
Neptune in 5th house
Pluto in 4th house
Uranus Conjunct Mars/Neptune
Neptune Opposition Moon/Asc.
Pluto Conjunct Sun/Mercury

Pluto in Virgo
Neptune in Scorpio
Neptune Sextile Pluto
Uranus in Leo

Sun 6 Vir 19 - Pluto 2 Vir 10
Moon 17 Pis 06 - N. Node 23 Lib 04
Mercury 25 Leo 20 - Asc. 16 Gem 49
Venus 17 Leo 18 - MC 21 Aqu 24
Mars 22 Tau 07 - 2nd cusp 7 Can 59
Jupiter 28 Lib 34 - 3rd cusp 28 Can 09
Saturn 19 Sag 08 - 5th cusp 22 Vir 14
Uranus 13 Leo 31 - 6th cusp 3 Sco 46

Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 04:53:00 Time Zone: 6 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 41 N 35 36 87 W 20 47

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min - Trine: 5 Deg 00 Min
Opposition: 5 Deg 00 Min - Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
Square: 5 Deg 00 Min - Quincunx : 3 Deg 00 Min
Conjunct Asc: 3 Deg 00 Min Above, 5 Deg 00 Min Below

Jackson was, and is, indeed a Virgin, being born with the Sun in the sign of Virgo, the seventh of nine children. By tradition, Virgo is the sign of the fussy perfectionist, the hard-worker who frets about health, diet, cleanliness and order, a list that certainly applies to the germ-fearing, hyper-anxious Jackson. Virgo’s qualities are amplified by the presence of the power planet Pluto next to Michael’s Sun, and by the Moon being in Virgo’s partner sign of Pisces - appropriately for a pop werewolf, Michael was born at a full Moon. The Sun and Moon, the two most important planets in a birth chart, are thus pulled between practical Virgo and artistic Pisces, between control and escapism.

A glance at Michael’s birth chart might have alerted many people who were fooled by Michael’s innocent, child-like façade to the fact that he is also a ruthless businessman who astutely built a $700m fortune. When Paul McCartney boasted to Jackson of how many song catalogues he owned, he never imagined that Jackson would shortly afterwards buy the Beatles’ catalogue for $48m and exploit it by selling the Fabs’ songs as advertising jingles.

Whether or not Michael’s childhood certainly involved a domineering father.
Other configurations in Jackson’s birth chart show how he has haplessly acted out the archetypal energies represented by the planets: his bleak childhood (Saturn square Moon), his sensitivity to criticism while being unaware of others’ sensitivities (Mars square Venus), his escapist fantasies (Jupiter conjunct Neptune) and his pursuit of perfection through plastic surgery (Chiron opposite Venus). But this is just astrological language describing what is now obvious to all.

The raids on Neverland on 18 November 2003 that resulted in his trial earlier this year coincided with the transit of Pluto – that planet again – at a crucial and karmic point in Jackson’s chart. Because Pluto is so distant and its orbit around the Sun so slow, it hovered over Jackson like an avenging angel all the way through to his trial. Simultaneously, Michael’s Virgo Sun was also opposed by the throne-toppling planet, Uranus. Luckily for Jackson, his chart this year is under the helpful influence of Jupiter, the planet of luck and law. He avoided jail, but the damage done to his reputation is permanent.

Although Pluto has moved on, other planets suggest the one-time Thriller has a none too thrilling time ahead. His health is the first issue under scrutiny. His highly strung Virgo disposition has already taken a pounding by the lengthy trial. This autumn the temptation is to overtax his system, probably in an attempt to finish a new album to allay his current financial troubles. Secondly, despite being brought face to face with outside reality by the trial, Jackson’s artistic and financial judgment looks awry, his capacity for self-deluding fantasy intact.

Money is not the real concern, however; Jackson’s ownership of the Beatles’ song catalogue, now valued at over $1bn, ensures that. He may, against his will, be forced to sell it. This difficult planetary picture lasts through to the winter of 2007/8, when Jackson reaches a showdown moment, signalled by two very different planets. The first is Saturn, planet of maturity, passing across Michael’s Sun; the last time this happened, in late 1978, he made Off The Wall, the album that established him as a solo star and musical innovator, rather than a teen pin-up. Whether he can conjure up a ground-breaking album this time remains to be seen; after all, he no longer has producer Quincy Jones supervising.

The simultaneous arrival of Uranus, the disruptor, on Michael’s Piscean Moon is even more significant, suggesting that before 2008 he will be forced or choose to sell his adored but now tarnished Neverland. Since the Moon represents family, another possibility that is that Jackson’s two children will be taken away from him. More likely, given Jackson’s cinematic history, is that he will make a biopic of his own life. If the 50 year old Jackson has acquired any self-knowledge, it could be one amazing film; more probably, it will be a tedious exercise in self-righteous justification of his compulsive behaviour.


SHARON said...


Jenna said...

Rest in peace King Michael Jackson. You passed away so young

Mimi said...

Michael Jackson was a mega-star and will remain as an icon forever.

Liz said...

I'm so sad to hear such news, I'll remember your songs and dance forever. You were and still the king of pop. Rest in peace.

cybill said...

i love you michael, i'm virgo like you too

Jane said...

Michael Jackson's place in music history is unreplaceable. There was only one Michael Jackson... Next generations may not see a star like him.

Ozzy said...

King of Pop, we will miss you forever! Rest in Peace!

jonathan said...

i'm very sad about michael jackson's death. he was and still is a real legend, rest in peace king of pop, humanity will not forget you, never.

Marshall said...

Michael Jackson a unique artistic and very successful musician, composer, singer, businessman and many more qualities under his responsibilities. He is a special perfect person, we all loved him from whereever we live. His fans around the world mourn cause he was a real talent in music history.

kathy said...

michael jackson the one and only king of pop, we love you and will remember you until we die. i still feel so sad about your pass away but i hope i can see you and talk to you in the other world.

jordan said...

the only king of pop Michael Jackson, rest in peace, we will always remember you peter pan mj, Neverland has no meaning without you

Tracy said...

I hope you are in peace in heaven. You are the only King of Pop Michael Jackson.

Christina said...

MJ your memorial was fantastic! I hope you liked it too. Your kids were so amazing so your family too. Millions of your fans from all around the world miss you very much.

Ashley said...

Michael Jackson we miss you a lot, come back please!!!!