Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sun Enters Into Cancer

The Summer Solstice at 1:45 am EDT is marked by the Sun's entry into nurturing Cancer. In the Northern latitudes long hours of daylight create warmth that speeds the growth of vegetation and sends us, crablike, to swimming pools and beaches to absorb solar energy. Additional sweetness comes from the exact conjunction of Venus and Mars, the cosmic lovers who have been traveling close together these past days, increasing our desire for romance and fun.

Aries: Delightful Venus finally catches up with your key planet Mars today, after chasing him for weeks and you may find yourself smitten by the muse. Even if this is supposed to be a relaxing day, you are ready to work hard if it seems like pleasure is the destination. But you may be like the moth lured by the flame; it looks good until you get too close to avoid being burned. Don't be in such a hurry; getting there is half the fun.

Taurus: Kick back and soak in the wonderful sensations and good vibrations as assertive Mars joins your key planet Venus in earthy Taurus today. Others may see an easygoing side of you as you lazily move through the day, but they cannot perceive your inner dissatisfaction. As much as you enjoy yourself, you are also experiencing a bit of restlessness. Nevertheless, for now, focus on the present moment instead of thinking about the future.

Gemini: In true Gemini fashion, you are simultaneously being pulled in two distinct directions today. You are all fired up and excited about the current potential in your life. Yet you are also bored now with your current obligations. Instead of attempting to temper these two extremes and find a middle ground, try holding on to the opposite feelings until you are ready to resolve the energy creatively.

Cancer: The Sun's entry into your self-protective sign is a reminder that you don't need to be outgoing unless you feel so inclined. There's nothing wrong with wanting some peace and quiet, but it may take extra effort to find your desired level of solitude now, especially when others pursue you and try to cheer you up. Be clear with them and let them know that there's nothing wrong with how you feel; you just need some time alone.

Leo: You may feel a bit stifled today as prior obligations prevent you from doing exactly what you want. But don't be too quick to judge the situation. Slow down and ask yourself how you can benefit now from fulfilling your responsibilities. Although your mental agility has you jumping all over the playing field, you'll be happier if you can stay in one place long enough to make it feel like your own.

Virgo: It's challenging to follow through and do what should be very simple today. The problem is that the Moon's conjunction to quicksilver Mercury in restless Gemini is able to tempt you with one distraction after another. Fortunately, trines to stabilizing Saturn in your sign help you to exercise your free will. But making one tough decision is not enough. You'll need to be vigilant and continue to put yourself back on track again and again throughout the day.

Libra: You may appear easygoing, but you have an agenda and you won't let much get in your way. Your key planet Venus is in determined Taurus now and is conjunct combative Mars. Normally, you would choose peace over conflict, but today you're willing to take on a serious adversary if he or she tries to mess with your plans. Pick your battles carefully or you'll waste energy fighting for something that doesn't really matter.

Scorpio: Your stubbornness can be so intense today that you'll win an argument even if you're wrong. You might choose to disengage from a conflict because you have the ability now to wait out your opponent and can be successful even without direct confrontation. But this kind of victory isn't satisfying and could create an unresolved power dynamic that quickly becomes a real problem unless you are willing to face the issues out in the open.

Sagittarius: You may try to blame your current uneasiness on others, but it's not really about them. Your friends and family might not be in the same frame of mind as you are today. You could allow them the freedom to be as they are, yet their unwillingness to settle down pushes your buttons as you seek more stability now. Keep in mind that your security comes from within and is not as dependent on anyone else as you might believe.

Capricorn: Confronting someone who seems to be attempting to control you is a strategy that won't likely pay off today. Others could be very subtle now with their manipulative behavior and could probably justify any action while also defending their innocence. Instead of trying to change anyone else, a workable solution can be found by adjusting how you respond to the current circumstances.

Aquarius: You may try to be light and easy today, but you fall short of your own expectations as you get pulled into a melodrama that might not even involve you. But it doesn't matter what your intentions are, for engaging in a conversation is enough to make you a participant and not an observer. You can be of the most help by listening, clearly stating your position and then not wandering too far from what you say. It's not about being right or wrong; it's just about offering others a different perspective.

Pisces: Your romantic interests may be piqued today, but that doesn't mean you'll get exactly what you want. In fact, you'll likely face disappointment if you set your goals too high. Fortunately, your willingness to show up with an open but not needy heart can win you the love you seek if you are willing to wait. If, however, you are in too much of a hurry, nothing lasting can come of the attraction.


Matt said...

cancer - my horoscope

Tara said...

Thx for daily horoscopes... I follow your articles...

justin said...

aries is very selfish yeah that's right, plus they got bad heart

justin said...

i know cause aries all around me!