Friday, July 10, 2009

Moon Dives Into Pisces

The individualistic Aquarius Moon joins the second of the three superconjunctions between auspicious Jupiter, dreamy Neptune and healer Chiron. We may reconsider long-term plans that we thought about in May when these three planets first joined. However, it may take until the end of the year for our current opportunities to reach fruition. The Moon's dive into watery Pisces at 11:43 pm EDT softens the focus on our intellectual lens.

Aries: You often push the envelope when you become excited about what you are doing. But now your enthusiasm might be less about what you do than what you say. Although you could be slow to discuss your ideas for fear of rejection, once you start talking it may be tough for you to stop. Don't overplay your hand. Share what's most important and then be quiet.

Taurus: Your career goals may simultaneously seem closer than ever and yet still far away. On one hand, the most unrealistic goals are within reach. You can dream the impossible dream and set out with your legendary determination to make it real. On the other hand, you can get complacent if you fool yourself by believing your destination is close. Be smart and use some common sense when defining what success means to you.

Gemini: This could be a wise time to revisit old plans you may have had to go back to school. However, it's best if you want to study a subject that opens your mind to new ideas and expands your perspective beyond your normal view. Planning a journey is possible now, too, for this can be a learning experience, assuming you will take the time to educate yourself about your destination. Either way, no immediate action is required; give your ideas time to germinate and grow.

Cancer: It's surely much safer if you keep your desires for increased emotional intensity to yourself. Unfortunately, without taking a chance it's unlikely that you will be able to achieve the intimacy you want with someone else. Showing your vulnerability is never an easy thing to do, but now the benefits outweigh the risks.

Leo: You may try to logically create a framework in order to better understand a relationship that continues to be confusing to you. Unfortunately, it's challenging to break out of your old and familiar patterns because an analytical approach keeps bringing you around to the same unsatisfying place. Let go of your desire to know any truth other than what's in your heart.

Virgo: You have a rare opportunity to positively impact your well-being by changing your attitude now. The Moon's current visit to conceptual Aquarius and your 6th House of Health can focus your energy toward self-improvement. The power of positive thinking is not just a clever catchphrase today; it's your key to a happier and healthier life.

Libra: You could fall in love today and yet your feelings may have little to do with the people in your life. You are more open to the idea of romance, whether or not you are willing to express your desires. Since a current attraction might be the result of your daydreams, you don't really require anyone to act out your fantasy. If no one shows up, just enjoy the fruits of your imagination.

Scorpio: You may have an idea of how a scenario at home will play out over the months ahead, especially if your long-term goals have been under scrutiny recently. But it's difficult to know what to do because the specifics of your future are still elusive. Instead of trying to make up your mind now so you can get on with making plans, give yourself permission to dream without pushing to make them real.

Sagittarius: Communication can be frustrating today if you want answers. You may be required to process a lot of information now, but it could seem to lack any substance. Normally you are comfortable staying in the realm of abstract ideas, for you are a natural philosopher. Nevertheless, you have an incredible opportunity if you are willing to take what you know and set a concrete goal. Making a commitment to your own success will have positive consequences.

Capricorn: Your sense of self-esteem can be blown out of proportion now as others encourage you to reach for your dreams. Naturally, self-confidence is a great attribute to possess, but too much of it can put off those who might otherwise be your best allies. Tempering grandiose ideas with a bit of modesty can be your smartest move. Having a healthy perspective on your life is a worthy goal and can make the difference between success and failure.

Aquarius: You may need to reconsider what you can deliver today, for you might have promised someone too much. You didn't mean to mislead anyone; it's just that everything seems to take longer than you imagine. You may be tempted to just give up, but try not to overreact. Take a deep breath, reevaluate what you can accomplish and let others know what they can expect from you now.

Pisces: It's hard to control your dreams, for they seem to overflow right into your waking life, making things even more confusing than they already are. But don't try to justify yourself to anyone today. If you aren't sure how to handle a situation, pull back a bit until you know what to do. Temporarily retreating is wiser now than pretending that you can tell where your fantasies end and reality begins.


Christina said...

I have a Pisces cousin, cute personality, and very clever.

gilda said...

thanks for daily horoscope, i'm gemini

gilda said...

liked what you wrote about 2009 horoscopes

paris said...

pisces such an artistic and creative person each of them but the females, not the males.

Mark said...

I like to read about moon movements.