Friday, July 3, 2009

Moon Enters Sagittarius

It's tough to manage our feelings when the Moon enters cavalier Sagittarius at 10:10 am EDT. We need to express ourselves in a big way without regard for the consequences, yet in our haste to be heard we could miss something important. We may believe that we are running out of time as clever Mercury ends his visit to witty Gemini and enters the kinder and gentler world of Cancer the Crab today. However, a speedy response doesn't make it the right one.

Aries: You are still not receiving the mandatory memo of self-restraint and the fiery Sagittarius Moon won't likely help you out today. In fact, you may feel as if the signs are encouraging you to do it all when you really don't have the energy to sustain so much activity. Do yourself a favor and just say no, rather than spreading yourself too thin and disappointing everyone involved.

Taurus: It's tempting for you to overspend on something today and then regret it. You might feel like you'll lose your chance if you don't make your purchase right away. But this is an illusion; the sense of urgency you feel is more self-imposed than based on real circumstances. You will make a better decision if you take more time to consider your options before buying anything now.

Gemini: Your key planet Mercury has been dancing in your interactive sign for the past few weeks, encouraging you to be even more sociable than usual. But now, even if another party sounds like fun, you don't have as much to say with the communication planet in quiet Cancer. Friends or family may urge you to get back in the game, but you don't need to succumb to their pressure. Follow the guidance of your inner voice.

Cancer: You may have big ideas today about what you intend to do at work, but even your best-laid plans could be set aside if you get distracted by something else. It's not that your energy is scattered; it's just that you can grow bored of doing what's on your list. Give yourself permission to draw outside of the lines today, but make sure you follow through on whatever you start.

Leo: You are of two minds today. On one hand, you're enthusiastic about playing with your friends. Fun and games are high on your list of things to do. But you are also weary of always being the one who makes things happen. You need some downtime and the idea of going off by yourself for a while sounds delightful. Fortunately, it's not an either/or situation, so schedule some time for both.

Virgo: You may be at odds with yourself today because you cannot find a comfortable position between too much and not enough. Although you are usually skilled at handling details, your current optimism makes it easy for you to take on more than you can deliver because you are missing crucial pieces of information. It's okay to let your mind run away with the possibilities, but keep reminding yourself that common sense is your biggest asset.

Libra: The way you seek balance today may seem strange to others. For the first part of the day, you tend toward expansive and opportunistic thinking. Everything appears better than it actually is. But then you become concerned that you took something too far and may overcompensate by seeing potential problems everywhere you look. Naturally, the truth is somewhere in the middle, and it may be healthier in the long run to temper both extremes from the start.

Scorpio: Although you may be more positive about where things are going in your life, you aren't ready to let go of all your concerns. You know that your success depends upon moving carefully now; if you proceed too fast, you could jeopardize what you have already gained. Keep your attention focused on the ultimate goal, but watch where you walk as you take one cautious step after another.

Sagittarius: The Moon's return to your sign today reminds you how important your feelings are, even if you sometimes override them when they get in the way of your excitement. Now, however, you cannot avoid your emotions by simply choosing to ignore them. The volatility of your mood swings are a vital indicator of your emotional well-being. Your greatest strength is a deep connection to your heart.

Capricorn: You may feel quite talkative today, yet still want to be left alone. You aren't up for the noise of too much social interaction and would do well to avoid parties and other gatherings of large groups of people. You would do better now in a meaningful one-on-one conversation with someone who seeks you out, rather than trying to be accepted by a club or a clique.

Aquarius: You are buzzing again today, but for different reasons than yesterday. Instead of being drawn to do something new, now you want to be among your peers. You need the support and feedback of your friends and will do what's necessary to feel connected to your tribe. In the meantime, don't forget about your obligations; you don't have to make a bunch of noise or receive tons of attention to get the job done right.

Pisces: Your vision seems to capture the imagination of others now, which can lead you into a position of authority. You aren't necessarily yearning to be the boss, yet you may be among the few who actually know what's going on. So, as a member of the community you cannot say no when asked to assume a leadership role. Step up to the plate and play out your part as the person in charge.


Jeremy said...

Sagittarius is one of a kind. My niece, a Sag, she is such a real person; clever and humble.

kathy said...

i agree with you jeremy, sagittarians are very nice people with calm personality

jordan said...

helloooo to all cancers....

gareth said...

hi me cancer :)

Tracy said...

Sags are sweet, love them.