Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mercury Forms SemiSquare With Venus

This is a day of obvious contradictions. The Taurus Moon reminds us that it's sensible to steer clear of unnecessary complications, nostalgically drawing us toward a simpler lifestyle. But we may not get our heart's desire today, for logical Mercury forms an uncomfortable semisquare with romantic Venus, pitting our thoughts against our emotions. Meanwhile, Mercury harmonizes with quirky Uranus, turning up the volume on our most outrageous ideas.

Aries: You may try to stay calm today, but your plans for a laid-back day fall to the wayside as you recognize an old behavior pattern of yours that resurfaces now. It's a bit disconcerting to face this problem, for you thought you were done with it. Nevertheless, the best thing you can do is to work with your current awareness. Avoiding the issue is not advised, for denial will only strengthen a bad habit.

Taurus: Managing your schedule could be a real problem now because you cannot make the additional appointments, phone calls and tasks go away. Acknowledging your limits can be the most important thing you do today, for then you'll be able to better handle your time. Once you have established what you cannot do, it's easier to say no. The sooner you set boundaries, the smoother your day will go.

Gemini: Your key planet Mercury is electrified by shocking Uranus today, lighting up your nervous system like a neon sign. You cannot contain your excitement, but you still might be afraid of being seen. You don't want to stand out as being different now, yet your ideas are good enough that they should be shared. Even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable, take a risk and show others your unorthodox side. You'll be glad you did.

Cancer: You are in touch with a higher form of intelligence today and although it may be your own, it also could be from another dimension. If you believe in angels or spirit guides, then remain open to further instruction from them. If you do not, then at least trust your intuition now. Don't try to rationalize what you seem to know; just act on it.

Leo: You need to appear to have everything under control, even if you do not. Fortunately, you'll be able to pull this off, for you perform admirably now when faced with a crisis. But you don't need to turn an insignificant event into a major drama. Just prepare the best you can, show up with a willing attitude and let the moment teach you what you need to learn.

Virgo: Your key planet Mercury is stirring up trouble today as it sends mixed signals your way. Your brain is processing faster than you can form words, which might make you appear agitated to others. But you can be absolutely brilliant now if you are able to set language aside and directly access what you instinctively know. Avoid expressing your thoughts or trying to explain yourself. You can always circle back around later and share your ideas once your nerves settle back down.

Libra: Balancing your current need for stability with your desire for excitement can prove exhausting, for every little thing that happens to you today stimulates an avalanche of memories. More thoughts rush into awareness now than usual, and it's tough to maintain your sense of perspective. Keep in mind that your system is tightly wired now and that anything you can do to calm down will be helpful. Try soothing music, meditation or a walk in the woods.

Scorpio: You crave fewer distractions today and although you may be able to manage your outer world, it's your imaginative realms that are the real challenge now. Others might not even realize how much you have going on and it's probably pointless to try to tell them. They won't understand because you have your dramas contained and well managed. Accept your complexity without attempting to change it; resisting your inner nature is an act of futility.

Sagittarius: It may seem as if others in your life have more going on than they are saying and it worries you because you think you are missing something important. But everyone else's inner worlds may be indescribable today. No one is purposefully hiding anything from you and your investigation only adds to the tension. Let the unspoken truths remain silent for now; they will take shape and be expressed when the time is right.

Capricorn: It's easy to settle into a pattern today that demonstrates your competence without too much effort on your part. But as capable as you appear to others, you don't necessarily feel that way yourself now. You know that you have your bases covered, yet you are deeply concerned that your inadequacies will soon be discovered. Realizing your vulnerabilities is humbling, yet sharing your concerns with a trusted companion can deepen a lasting friendship.

Aquarius: You may pride yourself in your rugged individualism, yet your desire to be different can get in the way of your success. Instead of attempting to prove that your ideas are better than anyone else's now, it's more useful to establish common ground. Remember, you can still be a non-conformist, even if you choose to cooperate with others today.

Pisces: It's your day to visit Fantasy Island, yet no one other than you needs to know that you're going anywhere at all. Fortunately, you are able to travel instantaneously in your mind, returning as needed for conversations with co-workers and friends. Don't bother explaining your double life today. Just come and go as needed, for you are adept enough now to be in two places at once.


Kyleen said...

Taurus, very interesting and nice people

Randy said...

I'm Gemini, I follow your website every now and then.

Paul said...

Mercury making my life a mess!

george said...

hi, libra here