Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Today's New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10:34 pm EDT in hypersensitive Cancer reveals how easily our feelings can be hurt. Affectionate Venus squares austere Saturn, reminding us that it's healthy to have boundaries even in a loving relationship. Unfortunately, we can inadvertently create isolation and dissatisfaction simply by making our limits known. Luckily, the energy shifts into a more positive pattern when the Moon enters lively Leo at 11:27 pm EDT.

Aries: You may be tired of acknowledging the feelings of other people who don't even seem to notice yours. If you are angry, you may not be concerned about doing the right thing. You might overreact when taking care of your own needs, leaving a loved one sitting on the sidelines, wondering what happened. Be careful; expressing your frustration this way is not a path to happiness.

Taurus: Today's eclipse activates your 3rd House of Communication, encouraging you to share your feelings, even if doing so has negative consequences. You are driven to express yourself in no uncertain terms when you realize that you haven't been as clear as you thought. Perhaps an issue has lingered too long and now as you address it, other problems are stirred up too. Keep in mind that unseen forces are at work, so move through any conflict with extra care and flexibility.

Gemini: You may go through a period of self-doubt today as the New Moon Eclipse falls in your 2nd House of Values. Reconsider what's most important to you, but don't dismiss the needs of a partner or others in your family. Even if you aren't particularly happy right now, don't look to blame anyone else. Just make whatever adjustments you can and then move on. Things could improve rather quickly if you let them.

Cancer: Today's Solar Eclipse is in your introspective sign, signifying big changes in your life. You are at the end of one cycle, but not quite ready to start the next one yet. You may not be able to see the good news that's already coming your way. But don't push it; give yourself sufficient time to process what's happening before jumping into something new.

Leo: You may be feeling a bit on-edge as anxiety surfaces, even if you don't know the source. There may be particular issues you are currently dealing with, but your worry might be blown out of proportion. Nevertheless, don't try to deny your feelings or they will only grow stronger. Instead, watch them without resistance and let them ripple through you and float into the past. Tomorrow will surely be a new day.

Virgo: You want to be part of a larger group of like-minded people with today's eclipse falling in your 11th House of Friends. But you might not agree with everyone else now, and even if you don't share your differences you still may feel excluded. Paradoxically, you'll be more accepted if you let your peers know exactly where you stand.

Libra: You may be in for some unexpected changes at work as today's Solar Eclipse catalyzes your 10th House of Career. Tensions that have been building for a while could suddenly come out into the open and turn your life upside down. Instead of worrying about the unknown, embrace the upcoming shift. Even if there is a temporary loss, what happens now can ultimately help to put your life back into balance.

Scorpio: You can see far into your future now and are able to make adjustments that alter the course of your life. If you like what you see, just keep the current patterns going as best you can. But if you are dismayed by your vision, this is the time to set a long-term cycle into motion. Don't be afraid to shake things up if that's what it takes. If you don't act preemptively, then something will likely occur anyhow to force the issue.

Sagittarius: It's easy for you to make your life look good, yet you could be hurting deep inside where others cannot see. Today's New Moon Eclipse in your 8th House of Intimacy can be like a stroke of lighting that awakens you to the truth. Once you understand why you hide your feelings, you'll be able to share your realization with others. But don't tell everyone; pick your confidants carefully before you trust them with your precious secrets.

Capricorn: The nurturing Cancer Solar Eclipse zaps your 7th House of Partnerships, presenting you with an urgent situation that needs your immediate attention. Don't try to use logic in order to decide what to do. Follow your instincts today. If your immediate reaction is to help, then drop everything, even if it means setting aside a previous commitment, and show up where needed.

Aquarius: Your regular routine may be disrupted by the Solar Eclipse that falls in your 6th House of Habits. Instead of doing the same things you do every other day, think about why you are doing them first. Breaking out of a rut can be liberating, yet it also could makes others worry about you. Don't succumb to the peer pressure; initiate changes to improve your life instead of trying to ameliorate anyone else's guilt trip.

Pisces: Others don't know much about your inner process, so their expectations of you can be quite unrealistic. In fact, as Uranus in your 1st House of Personality trines today's Solar Eclipse, your actions may seem totally outrageous to those closest to you. Nevertheless, radical behavior may be necessary if you are trying to revitalize your creativity or energize a romance that feels stuck.


Kyleen said...

so this means solar eclipse effects cancer more i think, i'm cancer

martha said...

really nice article....

silvio said...

hello there! i'm libra and i just like whatever you write, very very intriguing astrological truths, regards.

Katy said...

Solar eclipse effecting bad all of 12 astro signs, that's too bad!

martha said...

new moon solar eclipse in cancer, i'm cancer!