Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mercury Holds Still in the Sky

This is a day filled with thoughts and words as Mercury the Messenger holds still in the sky, ending its 23-day retrograde cycle. Although it will take a few days before we begin to see real movement, we can already tell that we've reached a turning point. Meanwhile, the Moon enters Mercury's home sign of analytical Virgo, to raise the volume on communication and organization, although the effects of this may be more internal than external for now.

Aries: You may feel as if your senses are on high alert status, and your perceptions register every nuance in your environment. But you might be so sensitive today that you notice some things that aren't really there. Be careful about being so precise that you're actually making up stories to justify what's in your imagination.

Taurus: Although everyone else seems out of step with reality, you are marching to a reliable drummer today as the Moon enters a fellow earth sign. You can still keep a steady pace, even when fleet footed Mercury screeches to a halt in determined Taurus. Nevertheless, you can work yourself into a state of high anxiety if you believe that you must finish everything you start now. Fortunately, you know how to practice patience.

Gemini: Your key planet Mercury resumes its direct motion today, emphasizing all forms of communication. You may think you're being so very clever now, only to discover that you have actually outsmarted yourself. Being sharp is one thing, but sometimes it's more useful to stick to the game plan and not let your curiosity tempt you to go looking for answers to questions that haven't even been asked yet.

Cancer: It feels as if you've gone over your calendar one too many times and there's no simple way to fit everything in. You're just going to have to decide what should be eliminated. Unfortunately, the process of narrowing your current field of vision might be easier to talk about than to actually turn into reality. Nevertheless, you'll feel a lot better once you pick a few things on your current schedule and just say no without feeling guilty.

Leo: You might feel as if you've lost your momentum at work or, perhaps, your status within your community has suffered. Now, however, you are ready to make a stand, for things have slipped backwards far enough. But don't get sidetracked with what others think about you. Instead, concentrate on your goals and simply try to meet your own expectations.

Virgo: You are pulled between two different ways of relating to your world today as the Moon enters your analytical sign this morning and then squares the Sun in clever Gemini later this evening. Intuitively, you want to limit the incoming data to include only what is useful to your current situation. Nevertheless, you gather as much information as you can, regardless of its veracity or applicability. Don't worry about wasting energy now; your current actions will make sense to you soon enough.

Libra: Others may be pressuring you to finish what you've been working on, whether or not the current deadline makes sense. But you may not be able to fully appreciate the larger time frame that can help justify a seemingly impossible revision in your schedule. Don't overreact; just do the best you can. If something must slip for a few days, let it. You'll do more harm than good if you rush and turn in less than your best work.

Scorpio: It may be time for one of your periodic relationship talks with a friend or partner as the communication planet Mercury turns direct in your 7th House of Others. But you won't be satisfied with a rerun of a recent conversation. You don't want to look back; you need forward movement. Be patient, for it may take a few days before you see concrete results from what is said today.

Sagittarius: You are getting more concerned each day that your life is heading into a serious roadblock that will surely slow you down if it doesn't force you to alter your direction. But it's too soon to make that kind of major change today, even if you are already worried about it. Start by discussing the issues with someone you can trust, for the feedback you receive now will help you gain a better perspective on the whole situation.

Capricorn: Although this might be your day off, you are thankful that you finally have something more interesting to handle, even if it's just planning your weekend or preparing for the week ahead. You can intuitively sense that just around the next bend, there's a serious speed bump in the road and you better start slowing down right away in order to gain control of your life.

Aquarius: If you were a card in a Tarot deck, you would surely be the Magician, for you have your hands on some pretty powerful mojo now. It's as if you can conjure up a solution to a complex problem by first sleeping on it and then imagining you know what to do. Something is happening on other planes of reality today that reach into this one to make the necessary changes just in the nick of time.

Pisces: You are like a fish out of water today with the Moon in dry Virgo, now moving through your 7th House of Others. You may be starving for emotional content in your life, yet your friends cannot or will not come through for you. But even if they could be as demonstrative as you wish, the Sun in whimsical Gemini has you changing what you want before you can actually get it anyway.


miranda said...

hi, we couldn't get rid of mercury

Paige said...

Hello! I'm in love with a girl who is Capricorn, my star sign is Virgo. Can you tell me if our star signs fit eachother, regards.

hannah said...

very detailed and understandable astrology articles, thanks for all...

Novak said...

I plan to marry in 2009, but would like to learn if it seems possible for Cancer?

Mystical Future said...

Hi Paige, Capricorn and Virgo can get along well because both are serious minded astrological signs.

Mystical Future said...

Hi Novak, Cancer may marry in 2009 if focus on one relationship is possible.