Saturday, May 16, 2009

This is Cosmic Tsunami

A dynamic aspect between the two largest bodies in our solar system today can blow in strong winds of opportunity, but whenever the Sun and Jupiter square off, we can also be fooled by placing too much significance on unimportant events. This veritable cosmic tsunami is further powered by Jupiter's proximity to visionary Neptune. Additionally, the Sun's supportive sextile to wild and crazy Uranus makes the future seem closer and brighter than it is.

Aries: You can protect your future security by carefully watching your finances now, even if everything looks positive. It's not that there's bad news just beyond the horizon; rather, it's that everything looks so good that you waste money needlessly that could be better spent later on when you are not as flush. Ben Franklin had you in mind when he wrote, "a penny saved is a penny earned." Just remember to allow for inflation.

Taurus: You could be so fixed in your belief that all will end well that you don't take care of important business in the present moment. The power of positive thinking goes a long way to making things better, but it doesn't absolve you from being practical. You have too much at stake; don't bet your success on improvements in the future. Be here now.

Gemini: Current changes at work may be worrisome at first, but there appears to be a silver lining in the dark storm clouds. It's hard to stay overly concerned with the instability, for you realize that something is stuck and really needs to be shaken up. You may not be able to see around the next corner, preventing you from being certain about decisions you want to make. It may be wiser now to delay setting new goals and to just live with the uncertainty for a while longer.

Cancer: You may be struggling with meeting your own needs while still remaining an integral part of your team at work. Or perhaps you are trying to find balance between staying connected with your friends, even if their goals currently differ from yours. Your lesson now is about inclusion. There's no need to back away from your peers or social connections so you can be alone. It's not an either/or situation; you can do both.

Leo: On one hand, life doesn't get much better than this. There is potential good news everywhere you look. On the other hand, there might not be a direct path to realize any specific goal. This is like running a gasoline engine on fumes; you can only sustain your optimism on hope for so long. Sooner or later you'll need some real fuel in the tank. In the meantime, conserve your resources the best you can.

Virgo: You are energized in a very real way, for you can see what's ahead if you continue to work hard and plan for your future. But the currents may be speeding up now and this can make you nervous, even if it's also exciting. You want to succeed, but you may be afraid that it won't last if it all happens so fast that you don't have a strong foundation. Don't let your fears get in the way of your success.

Libra: Setting aside your agenda may be the smartest thing you can do today, for the greatest opportunity for a good time might be the one that's a total surprise. Give yourself permission to take a break from your regular Saturday routine. Doing the same old thing in the same old way may be reassuring, but it could also limit your field of vision, preventing you from being spontaneous enough to have a truly memorable experience.

Scorpio: An unexpected event could turn your day inside out. Even if you were planning on spending a quiet day at home, you will likely be tempted to join your partner or a friend in an activity that is physically active or one that takes you somewhere special. There's no reason to hold back now; if you do, you could miss the fun.

Sagittarius: You may feel as if your life is undergoing big changes as you ride the currents with excited anticipation. You cannot see where they are carrying you, but you are eager to go on this great adventure as the Sun illuminates spiritual Neptune and your key planet Jupiter. Fears may surface unexpectedly but resistance is futile.

Capricorn: You might want to reassert your control by downshifting for the curves ahead. You may even think about using the emergency brake to bring everything to a temporary standstill. Unfortunately, neither of these tactics will likely bring you the stability you seek. Furthermore, they could throw you into an unmanageable skid as your life seems to spin out of control. Fortunately, you are in no danger now if you simply go with the flow.

Aquarius: This can be an exciting weekend for you, one that gives you a chance to be seen in a very positive light by your friends and family. You are the one who can navigate through the fog now and others may come to you for advice. Don't tell them what they want to hear; tell the truth as you see it, from your eclectic point of view. Your unencumbered vision is worth more than anything else you can offer today.

Pisces: Your two key planets, expansive Jupiter and nebulous Neptune are being stressed by solar winds today, creating intense displays in your imagination. It's as if you have your own private light show that illuminates your future in a way you've never seen before. Your expectations are high, but don't assume you'll win the lottery if you haven't bought a ticket. You still need to apply yourself if you are to succeed.

1 comment:

Leo Girl said...

I'm very surprised! Whatever you write about Leo is correct, but how can this be?