Sunday, May 24, 2009

We are Restless

The Moon breezes into airy Gemini at 2:33 am EDT, lifting our spirits off the earthly plane and into the realm of thought. We are restless, ready to start something new and eager to soar on the fickle winds of change. The Gemini New Moon at 8:11 am EDT is a confirmation of our anticipation. We know that something special is about to happen, yet it's too soon to know exactly what it is. For now, being in the present moment may have to be enough.

Aries: You may feel refreshed and raring to go today, even if you didn't have a good night of sleep. You like the movement you feel from the New Moon in Gemini and are excited about starting your day. Just don't overload it with a lot of distractions or you may have to cope with being overtired this evening with little to show for your exhaustion.

Taurus: You might become annoyed at someone because the unsettling feeling of the Gemini New Moon can shorten your emotional fuse. On the other hand, you may express a thought that's been on your mind for a while, but you kept waiting for the right time. This moment isn't necessarily better than any other, but you're more likely to say or do something now that increases the movement of energy, rather than sustaining the status quo.

Gemini: Today's New Moon is in your sign, instilling you with a feeling of a fresh start. Actually, you are simultaneously at the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. Consciously think about some facet of your life that is drawing to a close and then visualize whatever you wish to replace it. Bringing focused attention to your heart's desires can help you to manifest what you want.

Cancer: Your moods may shift rapidly today, but you're self-contained enough so that others may not realize the scale of your unsettled feelings. Whether or not you express your emotions, make sure that you stay fully aware of them. Remember, there may be a price to pay if you attempt to distract yourself from your inner world as you hide your true needs from others.

Leo: This can be quite a demanding day for you, yet you might enjoy it anyhow if you can set aside your preconceived notions of what should happen. You are not in control of what others in your social group do and yet you still might try to rein in the apparent diversity of your friends. Unfortunately, this tactic will only bring frustration. Practicing emotional detachment will go a long way toward alleviating the pressure today.

Virgo: Today's New Moon is in your 10th House of Career, establishing a different direction for you at work over the next couple of weeks. But rather than waiting to see what happens and then reacting, you can be proactive by considering your options now. Thinking about the possibilities while you still have a bit of time will help you make better decisions in the days ahead.

Libra: You may have more spring in your step today, as if a new lightness of being has filtered all the way down to your toes. But your head, too, is affected as mental clouds that obscured the sky have now dispersed, allowing you to see the distant horizon. Luckily, the New Moon in your 9th House of Big Ideas can help you make exciting plans for your future. Give yourself permission to dream without worrying about the results.

Scorpio: Today's airy Gemini New Moon falls in your 8th House of Intimate Sharing, reinforcing your desire to dig beneath the surface of lighthearted interactions. This is an important part of being a Scorpio, yet now you have the ability to explore the depths from an intellectual perspective without becoming overly attached. You must, however, pay careful attention, for you can still be overwhelmed by passion if you don't consciously monitor what you feel in the process.

Sagittarius: It's all about everyone else today, but that doesn't mean you'll have any less fun. The New Moon falls in your 7th House of Others, placing the emphasis on how you respond in relationships, rather than what you do on your own. But the cosmic lovers are still at play in your 5th House of Self-Expression, so your feelings won't be entirely lost in the distractions of the day. Keep in mind that you may have to get creative in order to be seen.

Capricorn: It's a struggle for you to remain serious today, even if you have responsibilities to fulfill. But the Gemini New Moon in your detail-oriented 6th House can scatter your energy as fast as you refocus it. And each time you concentrate again, something attractive comes along to pull you off your path and down an enjoyable detour. Instead of attempting to be productive, maybe it's smarter to just kick back and see where the day takes you.

Aquarius: Don't even bother to pretend you are working today, for a combination of pleasing planetary pressures can pull you into a veritable funhouse. You may have set your goals high, but the opportunity for enjoyment outweighs the rewards for hard work now. The New Moon in your 5th House of Spontaneity suggests that it's better to throw your previous plans away and to make up new ones as you go along.

Pisces: There are so many things for you to do at home today that there's no reason for you to go anywhere else. Others may think that your reclusion is a sign that something's wrong, but turning down a party invitation is actually a sign that something's right. Don't worry now about what anyone else may say if the domestic 4th House New Moon prompts you to focus on your home and family.


gemini_chantal said...

a marriage between gemini and sagittarius? is it a good match?

gemini_chantal said...

i plan to date and hopefully marry a sag guy

Mariah said...

Searching for a better job with higher salary but I'm hopeless! I'm virgo

Ulrich said...

Hello Mystical Future! I've never seen such a true astrology website before. Congratulations...