Sunday, June 14, 2009

2009 Yearly Horoscopes

Aries 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19):
A typical Aries is truly adventurous and energetic. Armed with such qualities as courage and unlimited enthusiasm, Aries is a very powerful sign in the zodiac. The noble characters of dynamism, confidence and will power come naturally to this wonderful zodiac sign. Aries 2009 horoscope signifies great time to try out new mode of life or newer way of getting things done in their favor. The New Year is also very significant as you can move around faster while achieving the best in your life! The young ram will be highly adventurous and probing throughout the New Year; driven by such qualities as ambition, impulsiveness, enthusiasm and energy, you are on your way to achieve a number of things that were difficult to achieve all these years. You are open to new thoughts and action, and fresh vistas and ideas. If you are a person, who took birth under this superb zodiac sign, the 2009 Aries horoscope may bring extraordinary results and surprise happenings during the beginning of the New Year.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: Career people, executives and people working in governmental offices may find the Aries 2009 horoscope highly refreshing and cajoling! Long awaited promotion may not occur immediately during the early part of the year, especially January and February. However, chances of salary hike or an eventful promotion may occur during the last part of the first quarter or the early part of the second quarter. 2009 Aries horoscope suggests you not to take any hasty decisions during this part of the year. Be patient and have the best of your job in the middle part of the year. Your stature as a very good staff will improve day by day and this results in a possible pay hike sometimes in the middle part of the New Year. Aries 2009 year horoscope is promising and bright as far as your career opportunities are concerned; people who are looking for fresh appointments may experience very bright opportunities of getting a decent job or appointment. For people who are active in politics, management, administration and finance, the New Aries Year could be very encouraging and productive. If you are in an entertainment industry like motion pictures or drama, you are bound to gain a lot in the New Year. However, the middle parts of the New Year (from April to August), may pose some minor difficulties for people in career. Investment bankers and professionals may loose their hard earned money during this part of the year. Risky ventures and projects may not yield you any good results. For some, a change in job or working environment may bring severe heart burn and disappointments. But, Aries 2009 year horoscope is a wonderful time for people especially in the last part of the year.

For Love, Family and Social Life: Aries 2009 horoscope brings you good news for your family affairs. By large, your family and marital life will be peaceful and uneventful. Times of happiness and good tidings are here again throughout the year. Your spouse and children will love, care and be affectionate to you for most part of the year. 2009 year Aries horoscope for people under Aries sun sign will have a happy family life through most part of the year. Coupled with good family relationship, you may also undertake an ambitious project to own a new home! It is also possible that you may undertake some special renovations to your home. If you are unmarried, you may enter into nuptial agreement with a lovely can caring partner.

For Education and Travelling: Aries 2009 yearly horoscope may not bring very cheering news for students and scholars. Indications are that they may face some trouble and obstacles in their studies or research, especially in the first quarter part of the New Year. Extra work, hard studies and intensive effort may help them to achieve desirable success. However, the planetary positions of the Sun and Mars favor those who are studious and hard working. People engaged in research and development may travel to other countries for further studies or research work. But, it may happen only during the fag end of the year.

For Health: 2009 year Aries horoscope brings good news for people! In general, people experience very good health throughout the year, though minor ailments may trouble them from April to May. Good food, safe medication and exercises will help you counter any undesirable health symptoms.

Taurus 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20):
The Taurus is possibly the most influential, pragmatic, practical, wily and stubborn sign of the zodiac. The power factor of perseverance is the main key to their success. Their strong will power and determination can make them very powerful and indestructible. Even with the qualities of dedication and attention to details, a typical Taurus person is very caring and loving to other people. Their immense power of articulation and expressions are fairly well-known. However, a Taurus person could be typically very shy and reserved as well. With a marked emphasis placed on social sector in the early part of the year, you are likely to go out and mix with a number of friends. Taurus 2009 year horoscope is however an average one and on the whole, it could be a little bit disappointing. There might be occasional periods of disappointments and moments of desolation in the coming New Year.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: Early in the year, during the first quarter, you may face some untold hassles and obstacles. A possible failure in undertaking very important ventures and goals is quite possible. Taurus 2009 yearly horoscope may not really work to your advaBoldntage and benefit. Repeated failures and disappointments in the early part of the year may lower your confidence level. Over confident Taurus people may lead to moments of miseries. A state of mental uncertainty and physical denial may make you nervous and anxious. But, your legendary will power and dedication will prevent you from facing further complications. 2009 yearly horoscope for people belonging to Taurus sun signs is a mixture of good and the bad. If you are working in glamour and entertaining industry, this year may bring special favors for you. Female actresses may perform better in their assigned roles. Aspiring producers may get a break in the entertainment industry, while established ones may make some money. The first half of the year may prove very profitable and satisfactory for people in film, music and glamour industry. Career people may find things favorably working for them in the second half of the year. You may find things very easy and hassle-free in the last quarter of the year. Some of you may face complicated period during the middle part of the year, from May to June; people working in private offices may face severe pressure to perform and show results. Personal income and wealth gains may be possible in the last few months of the year.

For Love, Family and Social Life: Trouble may brew for Taurus people throughout the year. 2009 yearly horoscope for Taurus people is very disappointing one, especially in the domestic circuit. Family disquiet and marital discord may loom large throughout the year. The confluence of Sun, Mars and Saturn may bring bad luck to some people in their domestic life. Patience and tolerance are the two basic watch words for you, if you want to avoid any serious quarrels and disagreements. People in love may need to exercise enough caution as your intimate relationship with your love may show some visible signs of strains and fragility. However, unmarried people may get a chance to marry their sweet hearts in the last part of the year. Even with all those troubled times you can still encourage and develop good relation with loved ones in the months of March to June.

For Education and Travelling: 2009 yearly horoscope for Taurus natives could be very encouraging one for students and professionals. This could be a highly encouraging year due to the favorable transit of planets. Students studying for scholastic and academic exams may see substantial forms of success. Some of you may even get highly beneficial results in the form of scholarships or studentships. Taurus people always like to study serious subjects and this is the year for them to show their astuteness and intelligence. People who are looking for job may get one in the latter part of the year.

For Health: On the health front, Taurus 2009 horoscope may not offer really promising results. You may feel some sluggishness in your health. Thus, you will need to be very careful to look after your health, though you may not likely to face any serious problems. The first half of the New Year may pose you minor health upsets and complications. You will need to be careful, while you are travelling, as you may face instances of minor accidents.

Gemini 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21):
Gemini is the third Sign of the Zodiac and the most active of all the other eleven signs. Gemini sun sign just loves to talk and chatter! But, do not confuse this chat with simple gossiping or useless talk. These people are full of wonderful and highly innovative ideas and expressions. The Gemini born are too intellect and smart to waste their time on idle chatting. These people are probing and inquisitive to find out more about other people. These people can collect as much information from other people as possible. It is their birth right! The Gemini born can create instant rapport with other people and strangers. Gemini people are imaginative and trustworthy. A typical Gemini can never be boring! Gemini 2009 yearly horoscope is one that oozes inspiration and encouragement. The New Year has a lot of things in store for a typical Gemini; gains of money, acquisition of property, chances of getting promotion and honor are all written for them in the coming New Year. Though some months of the New Year are difficult and arduous for most of the Gemini people, the rest will be good, soothing and relaxing. On the personal side, the 2009 yearly horoscope for Gemini will be satisfactory and event-less. The basic attitude of a typical Gemini is being too inquisitive and argumentative. These two factors should be curtailed at some point in time of the year, as you may spoil your own chances of reaching your goalpost.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: Unfortunately, most Gemini people may start their New Year with a sort of problem! That is what the 2009 Gemini horoscope tells you! A number of minor problems relating to career, finance and personal reputation may bother you throughout the months of January and February. In fact, you may even be overwhelmed by your rivals and competitors! Chances of promotions and pay hike are impossible during this phase of the year. Neither will you be able to reach your long awaited goal posts. You may need to exercise enough caution and care during this time of the year. 2009 year horoscope for Gemini sun sign is extremely good and productive in the months of March to June. These months are extremely productive and satisfactory, as you will stand to gain immensely with a range of goals fructifying during this time. Planets indicate plenty of money and very good position for you at this time. 2009 Yearly Gemini horoscope will be extremely satisfying during the months of March to June, when compared to the initial period of lull that is experienced in the initial part of the year. But, planetary influence may exert another lull during the months of September and October, when you may likely to face some tensions and setbacks. You may be starting to worry about your career and finance related matters. But relax! The year end will be one of the most profitable one, as you taste success after success in the form of promotion, pay hike and better career opportunities.

For Love, Family and Social Life: Marital discard and troubles may be in store in your 2009 yearly Gemini horoscope. The first quarter of the year, from January to May could spell some real trouble in the marriage and family front. You may need to be extremely careful in how you talk and converse with your spouse, as badly spoken words can damage your marital relationship. You will do better, when you resolve any existing misunderstanding to lead a life full of bliss and happiness. You may need to get into a proactive mode to mend and sew existing relationship with your children and spouse.

For Education and Travelling: Students and those people who are pursuing academics may not perform too well! 2009 Gemini horoscope is quite disappointing for them in spite of hard work and countless hours of dedication. You may find it very difficult to concentrate on your class work and exams. But, a boost in your confidence level may do the trick for you. Be bold to study hard and reach the goalpost, which is a distinct possibility in the last parts of the year.

For Health: Gemini 2009 year horoscope is extremely good in relation to your heath status. Your overall health will be satisfactory without any serious health complications. However, you may need to guard yourself against some problems that may affect your chest and abdomen.

Cancer 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22): People who belong to Cancer sun sign are very secretive and they dislike expressing their opinions. If you are Cancer, you always tend to hide your emotions somewhere in the deepest corners of your heart. At times, you could be undemonstrative but very tough in keeping your emotions under tight check. You are also very sensitive and fragile to emotional situations. However, you are caring, loving, affectionate and concerned about your friends and family members. Cancer 2009 yearly horoscope is a special one for you! With the active influence of Mars, you will be hyper active and overtly ambitious. You will strive hard to make yourself heard and felt with your friends and colleagues. You will also act very quickly with unlimited levels of self-confidence and will power. However, an over ambition to work hard and get results may out under considerable pressure throughout the year. Never be too rash while getting things done. The New Year is special to you, as you will forge ahead with ambitions and dedicated goals.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth BoldGains: In spite of your enthusiasm and energy, you still may face some problems during the first quarter of the year from January and April. You may feel the intense heat of work pressure, while developing relationship with your superiors may become a big headache. During this time, the results gained may not be up to your expected levels. However, the beginning of the year is highly adventurous one with many work contracts and assignments getting carried by you in short time. But, the overall success of completing you work may not be really satisfactory. During the first half of the year, you will be more creative and innovative with a number of new ideas. 2009 yearly horoscope of Cancer is a period of stability with you gaining tremendous control over your busy mind. You will keep calm and quiet even with so many failures and average results. One negative thing with Cancer 2009 horoscope is the rising personal and family expenditure that may pose some problems in the middle parts of the year. For career people, the middle parts of the year are extremely satisfactory. Pay hike and promotion may be common for people with 2009 Cancer horoscope. Financial results will be very good in the last one or two months, while overseas trips may become a reality in the third quarter of the year.

For Love, Family and Social Life: You may face some minor family or marital problems from January to April. Some of you may even face extreme ordeals as a pending separation or divorce. However, Cancer 2009 yearly horoscope may bring extremely good news and better life during the second half of the year. Your relationship with your spouse and children will be better than ever during the last quarter of the year. Unmarried people may find suitable partners and the relationship will end in a sweet marriage. 2009 year horoscope for Cancer is one with mixed results; some of them very good while the others very disappointing.

For Education and Travelling: Students with Cancer sun sign may face unsavory problems and obstacles in the field of education and research. The period from January and April may pose you lot of challenges and problems, be them in your exams or in research studies. You may need to out your best to show excellent performance. However, hardworking students may achieve their goals due their perseverance and dedication. Chances of study tour or journey to other countries may be very high especially in the last half of the year.

For Health: Though Cancer sun sign exerts some pressure on the overall health status, the 2009 horoscope has some good news to you regarding your health condition. You may feel healthy and free of major symptoms throughout the year, excepting the middle parts of the year, when you may face a number of symptoms connected to digestive system.

Leo 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22): Most dominant of all other zodiacal signs is the irrepressible and attractive Leo; people born under this sun sign are extremely creative and highly extrovert of all other zodiacal characters. Lion is the jungle king and is the purveyor of all! A typical Leo is magnetic, grand in appearance and mannerisms, very tough looking and strict, yet very kind to other people. Leos are extremely ambitious, daring, courageous, dominant, positive, independent and strong willed in their innate nature. Leos are born leaders and are the most effective of all other sun signs. They can cajole others to join them in executing impossible tasks and assignments. You simply cannot miss a Leo even in a big crowd because a typical Leo always loves to be on the center stage. They can create an immediate impact on people around as well! They are superbly talented and endowed with special skill to achieve any type of goals. 2009 Leo horoscope is mixed and interspersed with a number of successes and occasional failures. Career-wise, Leos can achieve quite a lot with a steep hike foreseen in their salary. Financial position is expected to improve, while family life may not see any drastic changes or modifications.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: The start of the year is quite encouraging for people working in private offices. Leo 2009 yearly horoscope predicts that the fist four months of the New Year will support you a lot in your quest for a better career. Promotion may come to your very easily in the first quarter of the year, while the financial position will improve after the month of June. Sudden financial gains are possible during the middle parts of the year. 2009 Leo horoscope predicts a very good and stabilized financial position throughout the year, in spite of serious problems at the workplace. A new job is a certainty during the middle parts of the year. New business partnership and joint ventures are possible in the second quarter of the year, while old clients may approach for repeat services. 2009 horoscope for Leos is encouraging and promising in the field of financial projects. However, the months of April and May will cause some minor hiccups in your career progress; it is possible that you may be straddled with a number of problems in initiating new projects or managing relatively new ones. Your career prospects look brighter and better in the last part of the year, as you are likely to take up a number of new assignments and manage them with élan! You will be travelling a lot during the last parts of the year, while the workplace may become a busy center for a number of career related activities.

For Love, Family and Social Life: While career looks to be very rosy and promising, your personal and married life may witness a series of turbulences and obstaces until the month of April. You may be very careful about your family life during the first and second quarters of the New Year. But, your personal and married life will see a complete turnaround from the middle parts of the year and all through to the end of it. Leo 2009 yearly horoscope will see a great stabilizing period during the end of the year; you will be extremely happy and relaxed with your family members.

For Education and Traveling: Students may see a series of academic and research troubles especially during the first half of the year. Leo 2009 horoscope may not be too optimistic to students. However, you will need to put your best efforts to come out of the rut. On the other hand, the last parts of the year will be far better than the first one, when you perform very well in your studies and research. But, chances of travel seem to be remote.

For Health: Occasional health problems and minor ailments are common throughout the year. 2009 year horoscope for Leos may not pose any major health problems. Most common ailments that you may face are back pain, digestive disorders and fever episodes.

Virgo 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22): Virgo is the only zodiacal sign that is represented and signified by a female character! However, the girl represented here is not weak or meek; she is extremely creative and pretty in her disposition. She is intelligent and smart. Virgo people are extremely precise, highly refined, clean and adamant on hygiene and an organized life. They are conventional and traditional in their approach as well! A typical Virgo is very smart, shrewd, observant, well mannered, judicious and practical. They tend to look out for a conservative outlook in their life. They also look emotionally firm and steadfast while in their mind, they are cordial and smooth. However, they can be very suspicious others at time and this may hinder them from making deep friendship with others. Virgo 2009 yearly horoscope is a fresh chapter in life and Virgo people are known to put in lot of efforts in what work they undertake though with disappointing results. The New Year could mean a lot for a typically observant and rigid Virgo. At times, he or she may face some peculiar problems that are most of the time insignificant and easily solvable. A change in the workplace seems to be a certainty, while the long waited pay hike may never materialize due to a number of reasons. Virgo people are advised not to speculate in the matter of finance and investment.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: Planetary positions are quite ordinary during the early part of the year, which makes career progress very difficult for you. The first quarter of the year will see you out a lot of efforts but gain very little. This could lead you to utter disappointments and desolation. Virgo 2009 year horoscope is full of disappointments and diversions especially in the workplace and social circles. There is a distinct possibility of you getting relocated due to change in the job. On the financial front, you are likely to face the heat of excessive expenditure arising because of relocation and new job. You are suggested not to make any hasty decisions in the field of speculation, as you are more likely to make more losses than gain through the planned venture. Be careful how and where you sign new business deals as you will be entering an uncertain territory. Never make any hasty decisions, because it may cause immense losses to you in the longer run. 2009 Virgo horoscope will be somewhat beneficial to you in the months of April and May, when you can perform better in your workplace. You may see some significant amount of income that will offset losses incurred in relocating your home and workplace. The end of the year will provide some form of relief and solace, as you will try hard to recuperate your lost energy and finances. Make sure that you are postponing all important deals, commitments and assignments to the end of the year when the conditions become more favorable.

For Love, Family and Social Life: The fist half of the year may see you facing domestic discard with your spouse, especially in the matter of money and finance. You may be need to extremely careful and cautious, as there may be a serious situation that may lead to critical marital discord and eventual separation. If you play your card properly and in an intelligent manner, you can make your 2009 Virgo horoscope a pleasing and satisfactory one; be prudent and wise enough, while you talk to your spouse about a number of family related issues.

For Education and Travelling: The first part of the year is very encouraging for aspiring students and academicians. Students may taste tremendous success in their tests and exams. Job prospects are good for students passing out of their classes. Education related journey is a distinct possibility especially in the fag end of the year. In all, the new 2009 year Virgo horoscope is extremely good for students.

For Health: On an average, your health seems to be very good throughout the year. However, the end of the year may see you facing some health complications related to the digestive system. You will need to take care of your health, when you are relocating to the new place, because of a possible change in the workplace.

Libra 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22): An acutely inanimate sign of the zodiac, Libra is an unusual, yet very special sun sign that signifies the meeting point of seasons, when people start harvesting their crops. While other sun signs represent either humans or animals, this sign is unique and different in all respects. A sun sign depicted as the high point of all seasons, Libra is much mellowed, relaxed and at ease when compared to others. Librans are sophisticated, well mannered and highly civilized in his or her character. Librans are handsome and good looking; they are elegant, smart, charming and possess good taste. They are kind, very gentle and like harmony and cordiality among people. They also like beauty and pleasure of nature and people around them. Libra 2009 yearly horoscope is a period of immense gains and prosperity. Libra 2009 yearly horoscope is one that signifies everything about money and finance. 2009 yearly horoscope for Librans is a favorable period that brings money and prosperity. Career-wise, you may taste some good degree of success while in the social sphere; you may be looked with kindness and respect. Overall, the 2009 year horoscope for all Librans is one that visualizes plenty of success interspersed with occasional failures and disappointment.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: Year 2009 Libra horoscope is a period of comfort and ease, because of the favorable confluence of planets like Venus and Mars. The first and second quarter of the New Year appears to be very good, while the last part of the year my not bring your expected results in your career related aspects. However, Libra 2009 horoscope is a year of career and you will benefit from it. The first phase of the New Year may also see you changing your place or work or the residence. This could mark a remarkable change in your social and economic status. The second quarter of the year may also see you make some significant and sudden gains in the stock market. This year may be the best one for speculation and you may even win some highly lucrative deals. Long awaited promotion may be due as well! Year 2009 Libran horoscope will bring lot of optimism, hope and cheer to you. The New Year is also a very good time for mending fences with your competitors and business foes. The New Year will bring you lot of income and gains; but, be careful how you spend it in the year. Middle part of the year may cause some unforeseen trouble related to finance and career; but, this is temporary and you will come out of it in no time. You may also face some career rivalry with your close colleagues and workplace people. The last phase of the New Year will see you enjoy the fruits of the hard work put throughout the year.

For Love, Family and Social Life: The first part of the year may cause some heart burn in your relation with spouses; married life may not be too smooth, especially in the first few months of the year. Lack of trust and communication may cause some degree of strain in your relationship with the spouse. But, Libra 2009 yearly horoscope will help you mend fences with your spouse and children. The most favorable planetary positions of zodiac will help you enjoy a happy and satisfactory married life in the second and last phase of the New Year. Middle and last parts of the year also denote possible rediscovery of lost love and affection.

For Education and Travelling: The New Year Libran horoscope is quite for students for too! The first quarter of the year will be very beneficial and helpful for students and researchers. In fact, some of you may even reap very good gains in the New Year. With hard work and perseverance, you can get very good results. In all, Libra 2009 New Year horoscope denotes favorable time for research, studies and exams. With immense success written for the year, you feel confident and hopeful of good results. You will also receive plenty of accolades and praise by your colleagues, teachers and friends. However, the last phase of the New Year may pose you some stiff challenges concerning your studies and research; but, you will overcome with a bit of difficulty. Chances of overseas travel look bright in the last part of the year.

For Health: The first and last part of the New Year is fine and favorable according to the Libra 2009 yearly horoscope. However, you may need to be extra careful about your health in the last quarter of the year.

Scorpio 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21): People born under the zodiacal sign of Scorpio are passionate, intense and persuasive in their personality and outlook. They are magnetic, cajoling and dedicated in whatever the profession they choose and pursue. A keen sense of attention to details and dedication towards achieving career and personal goals will make them clear and undisputed winners. Scorpio 2009 horoscope for these people is a satisfactory year that may see some pleasing surprises, as well as minor disappointments. Scorpio 2009 horoscope will be a pleasant bag of positive results and fulfilled wishes for those people, who are looking for fulfillment of long-cherished wishes and wants. Scorpio yearly horoscope will not bring any major or unexpected problems during the year. You will possess and display a positive and energetic attitude towards your eventful life. Hence, your life will continue to show tremendous improvements both in personal and professional life. The zodiac sign of Scorpio is one that oozes self confidence and courage throughout the life. The year 2009 is no exception to this general rule; in fact, you continue to yield your power and charisma throughout the year, especially in your public life.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: The early part of the year 2009 will result in a remarkable planetary influence that may eventually result in a slight change in your professional life, especially in the months of January and February. However, the changes that occur may be slightly negative in influence. Marked by a slow career growth in the early part of the year, you may feel slightly out of touch during this part of the year. But, you will get a major fillip in your career growth in the last part of the first quarter and early months of the second quarter of the year, especially in the months of February to May. Be ready to experience some pleasant surprises during this time. With no problem whatsoever, you will fulfill most of your long awaited wishes and needs during this time. The most significant aspect of Scorpio 2009 horoscope for this part of the year is resurgence of a positive mental outlook coupled with plenty of confidence. You work hard and travel a lot during the middle part of the year. This part of the year is also marked by enhanced social and philanthropic activities. Scorpio 2009 yearly horoscope is quiet eventful, as you will get courage and momentum to convert your ideas and concepts into realities; get ready to see s lot of positive results connected to your professional life. Success is written in Scorpio 2009 horoscope, as you start enjoying a very good rapport and relation with your colleagues and employers. However, the middle months of July to September may slightly slow down your progress, as success may elude you for some reasons. You will spend more during this time, while you will free yourself from severe episodes of tension and anxiety. You may also take some risks and loose money as a result. But, the last part of the year is quite favorable to you, because you may reap very significant success in your professional life.

For Love, Family and Social Life: Scorpio yearly 2009 horoscope for your family and love life is a mixed bag! The early part of the year is very good and satisfactory for married and love life. Comforts and satisfaction will be on the rise during the first half of the year. However, you may need to be more careful during the second half, when a slight lack of mutual understanding between you and your spouse may lead to discord and arguments. However, the whole year will be a satisfactory one with improvements in social and family life.

For Career, Education and Travelling: Students and scholars will face a complicated phase in the first half of the Scorpio 2009 horoscope, while the second half will see them performing exceedingly well in academics. If you are a student or a scholar, you are bound to show excellent academic performance in science, engineering and management topics. Studies in oversees university and colleges are more likely for engineering and management students.

For Health: People born under the zodiacal sign of Scorpio are prone to minor health complications throughout the year, especially digestive system disorders. You may face some sort of health difficulties in the first and last quarters of the year, while the second part will be bring you mental peace and protection from illnesses and disease symptoms.

Sagittarius 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21): Sagittarians are full of energy and positive outlook; they are enterprising, versatile and adventurous in their life. They are eager to learn new things and like to experiment in unknown territories. These people are born travelers and explorers and their mind is always open to new thoughts and ideas. Sagittarians are ambitious and optimistic; they can be cheerful even when they are down in the dumps. They are strongly idealistic and firm; these noble characters may cause occasional disappointments and setbacks. They are honorable, honest, truthful and trustworthy to friends and family members. The 2009 Sagittarius horoscope is full of accomplishments and accolades interspersed with disappointments and failures. 2009 year horoscope for Sagittarians shows a gritty character and a strong sense of character. Sagittarians show desired characters of morality and ethics throughout the New Year. You may come into contact with highly influential people both in the government and workplace. You can achieve a lot of things with the help of your superiors and colleagues. The New Year is a period of consolidation and reaffirmation in your belief and strengths. You are more likely to recover your lost composure and abilities in this year.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: Sagittarian starts their New Year with a bang! Favored by a very confluence of stars and planets, you are bound to reach success in the first quarter of the year. You will feel extremely confident and enthusiastic in the first half of the year. You will also feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the year. Possibilities of pay-rise and promotions are large and you are likely to succeed in your business ventures. You may also turn in the best performance of your life and career! The immediate result that will come to you highly placed contacts and lucrative financial benefits. You will also enjoy professional success and accolades during most part of the year. Sagittarian 2009 horoscope also foretells occurrence of some problems during the months of April and May. There may be some unforeseen problems related to career options and selection that may eventually lead to loss of important opportunities. Just remember that nothing comes to you on the platter during this time, unless you work hard and with immense dedication. However, things will improve slowly during the middle parts of the year. Hard work of previous few months may give you fabulous results.

For Love, Family and Social Life: The first few months of the New Year may pose some problems to you especially in married or social life. In fact, the 2009 Sagittarius horoscope suggests you to be careful and cautious, while handling your domestic issues. Nothing may happen unless you show an active interest to solve the problem you face in your domestic life. Nevertheless, things look better in the last quarter of the year. Relationship with your spouse will gradually improve, while your children will find you extremely pleasing and cordial.

For Education and Travelling: Students and people involved in higher and advanced studies are likely to perform better and in a satisfactory manner. However, the success or otherwise is determined largely by the planetary influences exerted by the entire zodiac. By large, 2009 Sagittarius horoscope is quite bright and hopeful for most of you. Those who pursue a career in telecommunications and electronics are likely to perform better in their academics. Traveling is predicted for those students who are pursuing studies in management and administration. 2009 year horoscope for all Sagittarian students may work wonderfully, when they study smartly and with a sense of conviction.

For Health: 2009 year horoscope for Sagittarius may not pose any major health risks or complications, through first few months may become a minor source of concern.

Capricorn 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19): Capricorn is perhaps the most stable and serious of all other zodiacal signs that exemplifies maturity and experience. Filled up with a number of sterling qualities like independent thinking and confidence, people born under this sign are hardworking, stout, stoic, smart, practical, dedicated and extremely cautious. A superb quality of those people born under this sign is the extreme perseverance and single-mindedness that eventually make them near perfect in whatever the profession they chose and live with. If you are a Capricorn, you are trustworthy, reliable and persisting; you are also dependable and indispensable to those people who know and adore you! 2009 Capricorn horoscope is a period of encouragement and relaxation; you will pursue with vigor all those interests and hobbies that you left unfinished last year, with tremendous success and accolades. Throughout the year, you will be really honest to your causes and goals. Capricorn 2009 year horoscope has great things in store for you; you will be extremely confident about your abilities and talents. All your cherished dreams and goals will be fully realized in the year, while you will embark on a new journey for the coming New Year. People who belong to this sun sign can design and create their own stage to reach the coveted goalpost. The 2009 Capricorn horoscope will ensure complete success in whatever the profession or vocation you choose and pursue.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: Even with complete success predicted for the New Year, you may still face some problems and complications in your professional life, especially during the first three or four months. Sudden problems may arise in the first quarter, because of displeasure shown by your superiors, while workplace jealousy and trouble may cause some sort of problems. Some of your business rivals may nag and pester you; never ever, let your anger go out of control, as it may cause immense damage to your reputation. However, things should ease down in the second quarter of the year, as you will solve most of the career, workplace and professional problems. The second half of the year is more productive and result oriented, as you will grab success after success with determination and pursuance. Professionally speaking, year 2009 Capricorn horoscope is satisfactory and fulfilling with a number of minor and medium career goals being achieved without any problems. Business partnership will be fructified with least hassles, while success from business ventures is evident throughout the year. By the end of the New Year, you will also reach a number of goals related to personal finance and investment. Cash flow will get regular, while spending will come down because of controlled budget. The last quarter of the year may make you little bit jittery, due to a pending business related problem, which will be solved eventually by the year end.

For Love, Family and Social Life: The beginning of the New Year will see you trying to solve pending family problems with your spouse. These problems need not necessarily be a relationship problem, but could relate to finance and career. It is most likely that both you and your spouse will sit down together to chalk out a series of steps to solve all pending problems. However, you may need to exercise caution and care, while discussing about any relationship related family problems. The second and last quarter of the year will be extremely smooth, as you and your spouse will start enjoying the success in a jovial mood!

For Education and Travelling: Students are expected to perform well in their academic career. In fact, most of you will be performing extremely well in your studies and research. Your shrewdness and intelligence will help you achieve the best possible success throughout the year. 2009 Capricorn horoscope will also bring your academic awards and laurels.

For Health: The first half of the year may bring your very good health, while the second part may cause you some worries regarding your digestive and immune system.

Aquarius 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Aquarians are strong willed and possess magnetic personalities with a pleasing demeanor. Aquarians belong to two distinctive types of personalities; one is very shy, gentle, easy going and sensitive, on the other hand, the second personality is very lively, dynamic and extrovert. However, both of them are extremely powerful and different in their separate ways and manners. Both of them have very strong convictions and belief that can stretch their abilities to a large extent. Aquarians always seek truth and honesty from other people. They have a firm vision and they can probe other people’s mind to know the truth and dishonesty. Being very philosophical in their nature, a typical Aquarian can see the light even under highly adverse situations. They are open to truth and extract it from a number of sources. Aquarians are forceful in their arguments and they can convince anyone with their gripping arguments. 2009 Aquarian horoscope is full of rewards and prizes from friends and colleagues. Aquarian 2009 yearly horoscope offers a number of opportunities to show their mettle and abilities. If you are an Aquarian, you will be in a highly advantageous position and can achieve a number of things that were not possible in the last year. Personal-relationship with people will also show a marked improvement throughout the year.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: The first month of the year is an auspicious period, when you are bound to taste success in your chosen career path. Aquarius 2009 year horoscope starts with a bang, when you taste repeated success in your workplace. Sudden and unexpected gains are expected in your workplace; it could be a lucrative position or even a pay-hike. However, the last part of the first quarter may pose you some simple challenges that you can solve immediately within no time. During this time, you may shift your home or job for better opportunities. This period is also marked by over expenses that may cut a deep hole in your pocket. Workplace jealousy and professional rivalry may force you to change your attitude towards colleagues and superiors. Travel may not provide you any benefits; however, you will be asked to travel by your superiors on some assignments. But, thing will start to change in your favor from the middle parts of the year. The middle parts of the New Year will see a new personality in you, as you will show your mettle and abilities to the entire world. This seems to be the period of stability and consolidation. Aquarius 2009 yearly horoscope emphasizes you to put your best efforts to solve all recurring career problems with a sense of determination and courage. The end of the year will see you solving a number of problems related to your career and workplace. You may celebrate the year end with a feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

For Love, Family and Social Life: The first half of the New Year will be good for you, especially with your personal relationship with the spouse and children. Comforts and peace at home are two buzzwords that you can expect in the New Year – that is what the 2009 yearly Aquarian horoscope tells you! You will have a very fine understanding with your spouse, while the reciprocal gestures from your spouse will be equally good. However, the end of the year may witness some marital problems occurring, because of uncontrolled arguments and quarrels. You may need to be on your cautious side to prevent situation going out of the hand. It is all in your hand! Unmarried people may look forward to marry their sweethearts.

For Education and Travelling: The months of January, February and March may not be too good for students. You may need to work with a sense of determination and perseverance to encounter any unfavorable situation. However, the second and last part of the year will see you achieving the best of your student life. Be careful in the months of September and October, as there may be sudden and unexpected academic problems.

For Health: 2009 Aquarius yearly horoscope may be just above average in relation to your health. You may feel sluggish at times and weak at others. You may need to be on your guard to prevent more common ailments and symptoms.

Pisces 2009 Yearly Horoscope

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20): Being the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is a sign of conflicting signals. Pisces means a fish in water alive and kicking! It also signifies agility and quickness, which also point out to a sense of nervousness and agitation in the mind of the person born under the sign. Pisces is a sun sign that belongs to your soul and mind; it also signifies the end of the world when you are confronted with a wide horizon, where you can reach out to the most impossible. Pisces is also a sign that can support or destroy life, because life needs water to survive and flourish. Piscean people are more spiritual with a keen mind to explore things that are mysterious and unknown. Piscean is a friendly creature, self sacrificing, who can show kindness to others. However, Piscean people are little bit negative at times and may face uncertain situations when facing challenges. Piscean could also be gullible to face uncertain scenarios and are impressionable at times of difficulty. Pisces 2009 yearly horoscope foretells a season of changes, some for better, while the others for bad. The New Year portrays sudden troubles interspersed with encouraging developments. Occasional failures and disappointments can make your enter a world of negativity and desolation.

For Career, Personal Income and Wealth Gains: The first quarter of the year seems to be quite good for all Pisceans! 2009 Pisces horoscope indicate a very good planetary confluence that may help them perform better in their workplace. Career development and financial improvements are two important indicators of the New Year. In social circles, you may see a steady progress and improvement. A long journey to a distant country may be on the cards for Pisceans, who are heading a department or a division. However, all good things seem to come to an end during the months of March and April, when you will face a number of problems. You will start entering a phase of failures and disappointments during the second quarter of the year. You may even face hassles in your daily work. Never ever, get involved in petty disputes with your friends and colleagues. Expenses rise on one side, while the income enhancing abilities go down on the other. However, the months of July and August will help you recuperate some of your lost energy and enthusiasm. The end of the year will see you gain an advantage in your career and finance related matters. Though the end of the year is disappointing, you can still do better when you apply your mind and soul. In all, Pisces 2009 year horoscope is quite disappointing one when you consider your career.

For Love, Family and Social Life: Married people find the first and second quarter very happy and peaceful. You can enjoy each and every minute of your life as well! This seems to the time when you feel the best of your married life with the spouse. You may become a devoted family member and may simply love to be with them all the time. Children will be source of deep inspiration and encouragement. However, there may be some minor dent in your relationship with the spouse in the months of September and October. You may need to control your anger and aggression to avoid potential quarrels and arguments. Do not try to dominate your spouse and children during this time. Keep cool and you will be doing fine during the end of the year. 2009 year Pisces horoscope portrays a mixed result in relation with your married and domestic life.

For Education and Travelling: Students may see an encouraging period in the early part of the year. You may even perform beyond expectations in the field of research and development. Higher studies are indicated for students, who are performing research and development in communication and internet technology. 2009 Pisces horoscope is very good for students, academicians, research workers and scholars.

For Health: Pisces 2009 yearly horoscope is again good as far as your heath is concerned. Until the middle part of the New Year, you may not face any serious health conditions and symptoms; while the last few months may see you suffer from minor health complications. You may need to take enough care to prevent common ailments coming in front of your path to success.


Melanie said...

Many Thanks for yearly horoscopes!!!!

peter said...

this year all i want to do is to improve myself, so it'll be a preparation for the coming year.

nicky said...

i've just read aries 2009 horoscope, thanks...

nicky said...

your articles are very realistic and true, i'll go on reading you from now on...