Monday, June 29, 2009

Libra Moon Forming Square with Cancer Sun

The intensity level settles down for a couple of days now, giving us time to integrate the changes of the past few weeks. The only major aspect today is the ambivalent Libra Moon forming the first quarter square with the subjective Cancer Sun. We try to be rational, yet we still bring our personal biases to each particular situation. Stress can manifest through an ongoing dialogue we have with ourselves between our heads and our hearts.

Aries: It may seem to you as if your feelings are not being acknowledged by others today, even though you take the time to explain yourself. Apparently, you aren't being as clear as you think or, perhaps, the other person cannot see beyond his or her point of view. Instead of increasing frustration all the way around by trying again and again, it may be more sensible to wait a day or two until the energy shifts enough so you can be heard.

Taurus: If things don't go right today, you might not express all that's on your mind because you don't want to stir up any trouble at work. Although your strategy appears to be the result of common sense, your suppressed feelings can create a commotion anyhow. Others may think you are being difficult and that you are hard to get along with now. It's better to speak your piece, as long as you don't try to place blame on anyone else.

Gemini: You are more willing than usual to openly express your feelings for someone you like now. You may want to take care of a family member or close friend because nurturing someone today might be the safest way for you to share your love. Although your intentions may be good, make sure that you allow enough space so you don't smother others with your need to protect them.

Cancer: Your irritation with someone today may stem from your dissatisfaction with yourself. You want to be emotionally detached enough so your feelings don't get in the way of having a good time. But the more you try to minimize your gut reaction by telling someone that you're okay with what's happening, the less believable you sound. Once you realize that you don't need to take a stand on every issue, you won't have to project your uncertainty onto anyone else.

Leo: It's hard for you to keep your feelings from interfering with what you say today, even if you know that it's best to remain neutral. Paradoxically, you may be more flexible than you seem, for your words carry a certainty that goes beyond your current perspective. Be direct and let others know that your mind isn't set on any one outcome and you are willing to listen.

Virgo: It's challenging for you to demonstrate your intelligence today because others want you to be more definitive about your choices. Unfortunately for them, you don't share their same sense of urgency and are quite content now to sit on the fence and watch the discussion unfold. You are eager to jump in on one side or the other to keep the conversation moving, but this doesn't mean that you've made up your mind. Don't let someone else's expectations force you to choose until you are ready.

Libra: The Moon's return to your sign and your 1st House of Personality may be more comfortable for you than it is for others. Your moods are like a pendulum today, swinging one way and then the other. But even if you are at ease with the ebb and flow of your emotional tides, your inconsistency could drive someone else crazy. Keep in mind that you are not responsible for anyone else's reactions, but it still pays to be kind.

Scorpio: Although this might be your day to return to work, it also offers you a bit of solace that may have previously been elusive. You might have a feeling of isolation, even in the midst of others. Fortunately, your current aloneness can be reassuring, for it offers you space to think about an unresolved issue without having to report every thought back to someone else. Enjoy the solitude while you can, for it won't last very long.

Sagittarius: You are torn between doing the easygoing social thing today and digging deeper to get to the bottom of a serious emotional dilemma. Fortunately, you can play both ends of the spectrum now, without have to choose one over the other. Instead, allow yourself to respond to circumstances and make the most of each moment, whether you are enjoying your friends or solving the mysteries of the cosmos.

Capricorn: Allow yourself the time to acknowledge that your life is settling down now, even if it doesn't appear that it will last. Nevertheless, be prepared to receive the goodwill that comes your way today. If someone wants to take care of you, don't fight it. Accepting love with an open heart is the right thing to do, even if it makes you feel a bit uncomfortable at first.

Aquarius: Your mind may be off on a journey of its own today, and there's really nothing to be gained by reeling it back in. It's not as if you'll do any damage by floating off into fantasy land. It's just that you need to get away from the routine of daily life now, even if you cannot really go anywhere at all. If you keep up appearances by quietly fulfilling your responsibilities, you'll be able to travel in your thoughts wherever you please.

Pisces: You may try to set your emotions aside long enough to delve into a complex problem today, but you cannot separate your beliefs and opinions from the answers you seek. Being aware of your bias, though, can make all the difference in the world. There's no need for you to pretend that you are just a rational scientist when, in fact, you are also a passionate artist. Bringing your head and your heart into each situation will broaden your experience.


jonathan said...

hi i'm libra

Marshall said...

I'm Libra, I follow your articles for a short time but I check every now and then to see if you added a new astrological article.

kathy said...

thanks for daily horoscopes, i like to read them

jordan said...

aires is so cruel, i hate