Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lioness Luna is Bothered by Mars and Venus

Although the Leo Moon can often be quite playful, today's Lioness Luna is bothered by squares to warrior Mars and romantic Venus. We are willing to fight for what we want, yet aggressive behavior might only distance us from the object of our desires. Lighthearted temptations add to our frustration, but a skillful quintile between the Sun and stabilizing Saturn can result in progress if we are willing to combine creative thinking with hard work.

Aries: The Moon's square to your key planet Mars today can raise your anxiety level if you cannot figure out a way to express your feelings nicely. Naturally, if you lose your temper, this can adversely affect those around you, quickly reflecting your negativity. But if you are able to share your unresolved feelings in a gentle manner, others will be able to demonstrate their support instead of anger.

Taurus: You may not feel comfortable enough to reveal your true feelings now, for you believe that the reaction you will receive from others won't be what you want. Nevertheless, you may not be able to keep everything to yourself. This can set up a complex dynamic where you only tell part of the story, alienating a close friend or lover in the process. It's best to tell the whole truth and deal with the fallout of your disclosure.

Gemini: You may already be feeling the resistance building in someone close to you and you probably don't like it one bit. Unfortunately, pretending that it doesn't exist will only make matters worse today. You are better off acknowledging a potential problem before it fully develops. If your plans are not adequate, it's easier to reconsider them now, rather than after the fact.

Cancer: You have a golden opportunity today if you can see beyond your previously set agenda. Your goals may be admirable, yet your current course of action might not be the best way to reach them. Contrary to logical thought, the most direct route may not be the most efficient way to reach your destination now. Set aside your preconceived ideas and draw a new map to get you where you want to go.

Leo: The end of your workweek might not go according to your plans, but as long as you're not hung up on controlling everything, it still could turn out quite well. The more you resist the necessary changes, the harder it will be for you. Don't be afraid to set your expectations aside for a day or two. This isn't about sacrificing what's important to you; it's only about being smart and not letting your self-doubt get in the way of your happiness.

Virgo: You can appear more certain than you feel today, only to discover that your friends expect you to know more than you actually do. But even if you know your limits all too well, you probably have more information to offer than you realize. Don't be afraid to admit that a particular solution is beyond your mental grasp, but at least accept that you have an important point of view that can help others now.

Libra: Your role at work is undergoing a subtle yet profound shift. It seems like only a few days ago you were engaged in a struggle to be heard. Now, however, your authority is being acknowledged as long as you don't overextend yourself. Remember, it's not about being in control; it's about facilitating big changes without necessarily trying to be in charge.

Scorpio: It's really not as complicated as it seems. You are willing to work as hard and long as anyone else, but you need to be acknowledged for your contribution. Unfortunately, prior circumstances could make it more difficult for others to convince you of your value, even if they say all the right words. Try not to let old emotional hurts get in the way of any praise that now comes your way.

Sagittarius: You have a strong sense of where your life is leading, but today it might feel as if you aren't doing anything to further your progress. To the contrary, it seems as if your work duties are just getting in the way of your long-term goals. Don't lose hope; the immediate picture may be contributing to your larger journey in more ways than you can currently imagine.

Capricorn: The Sun forms a magical quintile with your key planet Saturn today, giving you options that are not readily apparent to anyone else. You are the wizard now and can pull a solution out of thin air, even when others have failed. But accepting responsibility could be the very thing that gets in your way of success. If anything, it's your ability to detach yourself from the outcome now that graces you with the realization of a plan that actually works.

Aquarius: Arguing with someone who claims to have all the answers may be tempting, but it won't bring you any closer to the truth. In fact, it can increase animosity and prevent you from doing the good work that you now can do. Don't get distracted by the petty disagreements. Instead, rise above the differences of opinion and make a commitment to work for the higher cause.

Pisces: You know what you need to do today, but might feel as if you are being blocked at every turn. Although you start off with the best of intentions, it becomes more difficult throughout the day to hide your annoyance. Instead of trying to change anything in your environment, try to understand what you need to learn from the obstacles in your path.


stephanie said...

omg! leo just exaggerative! big player!

Jessica said...

Hi there, i'm libra

pam said...

i'm aquarius searching for aquarius...