Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mercury Squares Jupiter

We are stuck in the middle today as we try to balance our big ideas with the very real limitations that are currently holding us back. Rational Mercury dynamically squares overconfident Jupiter, pumping us up with grandiose plans and thoughts of inflated self-importance. Meanwhile, the somber Capricorn Moon harmoniously trines Mercury, taking the wind out of our sails. It's not the best time to push ahead, even if we are not yet ready to surrender.

Aries: Today you can't help but turn every little insignificant idea into a whole world of possibilities. You have an extraordinary ability now to see the entire cosmos in every grain of sand. Even if you are in the process of reaching farther than ever before, you still might not reach your goal. But don't worry; the very act of extending yourself can create opportunities and lead to something more fulfilling.

Taurus: No matter how hard you try to resist the temptation of an enjoyable distraction today, you might not have enough "won't power" to say no. Fortunately your need for personal space can be a catalyst that wards off those who might move in too close or too fast. But this isn't about withdrawing socially. For now, just be aware of the sacrifices you must make before taking on more than you can handle.

Gemini: You continue to ride a growing wave of enthusiasm, yet keeping your balance becomes trickier and trickier throughout the day. Still, today you aren't interested in taking shortcuts; you want to be in touch with the magic that comes from experiencing the entire journey, even if this makes things more difficult for a while. There's no way to go back to this moment, so make sure you don't miss anything along the way.

Cancer: You may feel trapped in your own skin, and your impatience could lead you to take impulsive actions. Your uncharacteristically flippant manner can land you into a heap of trouble today. Remember that your words, however casually you speak them now, can either create disillusionment or encourage others to perform great deeds.

Leo: Your personal battle today might be between careful planning and being spontaneous. Your managerial skills are very good now and you can organize a lot of disparate data, causing others in your field to place you up on a pedestal. You might not get the phone call asking you to be the opening act for your favorite band, but at least be ready for a highly improbable invitation in case it actually comes.

Virgo: Your approach to play can be very serious today. You are not here to spin lots of wheels without getting something valuable in return. Unfortunately, you could squander time and energy in your eagerness to make a travel dream come true. Take a risk and try something that's fun and easy, but don't be so attached to the outcome that anything less than a trip around the world will be disappointing.

Libra: You know exactly what your responsibilities are today, but you don't necessarily follow through on them. Part of your current problem is trying to gauge how much time to spend on searching for fast fixes. Looking for a miracle cure can slice through the plethora of options, but it can also be a real waste of energy that could be better spent on doing the actual work.

Scorpio: Steer clear of philosophical debates today, for you might actually be dialoging with yourself, and not with others. Oddly enough, it may be hard to tell which side of the question you are supporting. It's not that you are flipping back and forth on the issue; it's just that every argument sounds sensible to you now. Still, you must make up your mind and stick with it. End your indecisiveness and choose now.

Sagittarius: You continue to have a full plate of activities in front of you. With Venus, Mars and Mercury in your 6th House of Self-Improvement, it's crucial for you to make positive changes without turning your whole world upside down. But clever Mercury's square to gregarious Jupiter can be so inspiring that you are distracted by the bright lights. Just remember you don't have to make anything look better than it actually is.

Capricorn: You are usually quite capable of keeping your ideas and projects in a healthy perspective. Typically, you have a knack for knowing whether or not something will Boldwork before you decide the level of your involvement. Now, however, your reality filter may be a bit wonky. Avoiding significant decisions is smart for a couple of days. It won't be too late to announce your choices once your common sense returns.

Aquarius: You may be setting yourself up for disappointment today if you don't establish firm limits on what you will do in the name of love. Your thoughts are running around in circles and you might be tempted to put a stop to the dizzying motion, but you believe that you need your intellect to help you decide your response. Unfortunately, logic won't give you the right answer now; the truth must come from your heart.

Pisces: An overly rigid schedule can be your temporary downfall today. If one appointment runs late, then each one will follow in turn, compounding the problem and turning your calendar into a hot mess. If, on the other hand, you are flexible in your approach, then managing your day can be a piece of cake. Leave room between your appointments so that you can roll with whatever changes come your way.


tom said...

jupiter is my planet.

cyntia said...

i want have a serious relationship from now on, but no one stays long with me, i'm gemini...

Greg said...

I read a lot about astrology, I love it, cause it makes me feel good

Mandy said...

Gemini making me crazy, he's cheating on me!

Mandy said...

Next time I date, I'll find Virgo.