Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Venus Sextile Neptune

In the next couple days, an interesting planetary line-up, Venus sextile Neptune, can have a huge impact on your love life and imagination. Find out what this planetary positioning means, and how you can get the most out of it!

The planets are always moving around in their own orbits, and since each planet has its own personality, they're always clashing or connecting with each other in fascinating ways. Throw the zodiac in the mix and things get very interesting, since the planets are also moving through different houses, from Aries to Pisces.

At every moment, the planets line up at specific angles to each other. A "sextile" describes two planets that are in a compatible element, that is, both planets are in a Water, Air, Fire or Earth sign. When this happens, these two planets combine their personalities and have a huge impact on you!

Venus is the romantic planet of love and pleasure, and she also has a lot to say about creativity because she oversees our sense of beauty. Neptune, meanwhile, enhances creativity because she's the surreal planet of dreams, fantasies, and illusion.

These two planets in combination are a powerhouse! Any loving, happy feelings Venus shines on you are enhanced by Neptune's sense of interconnectedness and fantasy. This means that your artistic senses will flow freely, tap into them! If you've felt the urge to try out painting, poetry or anything that helps you express yourself creatively, go for it! You'll feel enchanted around friends and romantic interests, you'll definitely feel positive and on the upswing!

But be careful. The danger here is when you feel like you're living in a dream, you may forget realities (mainly financial). Stay grounded when it comes to money and love, because it's easy to be swept up in the dream. Still, take advantage of this time to tap into your talents and passions!


Avril said...

Hello, divorced in 2008. Now I want 2009 to be a happy year for me, my astro sign (aquarius)

Avril said...

If I start dating with new partners, is it possible to marry in 2009 for aquarius? Cause I don't wanna remain single forever! Please answer....

Michele said...

thanks for this article; i dream most of the times and forgot about real life, i don't tknow what to do to be like others

Mystical Future said...

Hi Avril, 2009 may not be the best year to marry for aquarius, espesially for the ones who'll make their second marriage.

Jenna said...

does this mean we need to be more logical then dreamer these days, although venus and neptune forces us to be relaxed and dream?

Jenna said...

i'm not sure if i got it right!

Mystical Future said...

Dear Jenna, try to use your logic instead of your dreamy side, otherwise it will let you relax and lose control of daily responsibilities.